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Metrics for Grafana/Prometheus #837

Open MrSipping opened 1 year ago

MrSipping commented 1 year ago

Hi, how can i retrieve some metrics to pass later on grafana/prometheus. I can't find any information on the site

lcrilly commented 1 year ago

Did you look at ?

Here's a simple Python script to extract the metrics in Prometheus format. You can configure this as an "application" if the control socket has a TCP port.

import os
import http.client
import json

def application(environ, start_response):
    connection = http.client.HTTPConnection(os.getenv('ADDR'))
    connection.request("GET", "/status")
    response = connection.getresponse()

    statj = json.loads(

    metrics = []
    metrics.append("unit_connections_accepted_total {}".format(statj["connections"]["accepted"]))
    metrics.append("unit_connections_active {}".format(statj["connections"]["active"]))
    metrics.append("unit_connections_idle {}".format(statj["connections"]["idle"]))
    metrics.append("unit_connections_closed_total {}".format(statj["connections"]["closed"]))
    metrics.append("unit_requests_total {}".format(statj["requests"]["total"]))

    for application in statj["applications"].keys():
        metrics.append("unit_application_" + application + "_processes_running {}".format(statj["applications"][application]["processes"]["running"]))
        metrics.append("unit_application_" + application + "_processes_starting {}".format(statj["applications"][application]["processes"]["starting"]))
        metrics.append("unit_application_" + application + "_processes_idle {}".format(statj["applications"][application]["processes"]["idle"]))
        metrics.append("unit_application_" + application + "_requests_active {}".format(statj["applications"][application]["requests"]["active"]))

    start_response('200 OK', [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
    yield str.encode("\n".join(metrics) + "\n")
tkumark commented 1 year ago

I am new to this. Can you suggest this how to implement this when using unit as container. I am evaluating unit with nodejs in a container. How do I run above scirpt for a container solution.

tippexs commented 1 year ago

Hi @tkumark for what ever reason this issue slipped of my radar! Sorry for that. The code shared by @lcrilly can be configured as a python application. More information about this.

This application can be attached to a listener for example on port `9090.

There is furthermore no problem having multiple applications on Unit in a single container.

Let me know if that helps and in case you have any further questions do not hesitate to leave another comment in this thread.

meezaan commented 1 year ago

Hi @tkumark for what ever reason this issue slipped of my radar! Sorry for that. The code shared by @lcrilly can be configured as a python application. More information about this.

This application can be attached to a listener for example on port `9090.

There is furthermore no problem having multiple applications on Unit in a single container.

Let me know if that helps and in case you have any further questions do not hesitate to leave another comment in this thread.

@tippexs What user would this application need to run as. When running in a container I can ssh into the container and curl --unix-socket /var/run/control.unit.sock http://localhost/status returns the metrics (but obviously that's the root user). If I run the same command as an application user or using a Python or PHP I'm not running as root and so the request fails (with a curl error 7). Running as root may become a security problem, so what would be the correct way to do this?

meezaan commented 1 year ago

OK, I have a working solution as a sidecar on k8s. Will share details shortly.

meezaan commented 1 year ago

OK, I stand corrected. I have a running sidecar, but that means I have to add another app in my main app container to expose the stats, and that is not ideal. @lcrilly @tippexs would it be possible to have a route in the unit conf file that exposes the status, but only allowed on, for instance without the need for me to write a Python or php script? Without that being exposed, at least I'm not able to see how I could deploy a completely independent prometheus exporter as a sidecar. Thank you!

lcrilly commented 11 months ago

Wrote up a more complete solution for exposing a Prometheus endpoint with the default Unix socket control port.

meezaan commented 11 months ago

I'll test out it out next week. Thanks @lcrilly.

lcrilly commented 10 months ago

@meezaan did this work for you?

meezaan commented 8 months ago

@meezaan did this work for you?

@lcrilly Sorry I have not got around to it, but it's now the highest item on my list (priorities can change quickly :) so I'll tackle it either this weekend or early next week). So expect something here early next week.

meezaan commented 8 months ago

@meezaan did this work for you?

@lcrilly This will require the same hacks as before. There are a couple things:

I envision this kind of a unit config (and just config, no additional scripts to be baked in) in my main application config to expose the status endpoint:

  "listeners": {
    "*:8080": {
      "pass": "applications/app"
    "": { 
      "pass": "applications/unit_status"
  "applications": {
    "app": {
      "type": "php",
      "root": "/var/www/html",
      "index": "index.php",
      "script": "index.php"
    "unit_status": {
      "type": "unit_status", # perhaps some special type to denote status
      "group": "any", # In theory, this should not matter because the user is choosing to expose the status, although this is easier imagined than done!
      "environment": {
          "control_socket": "/var/run/control.unit.sock"

And now a curl to /status should work, provided the IP is or hostname localhost.

Or something like this.

Essentially, the Prometheus conversion needs to happen in a different container, totally independent of Unit. I hope that makes sense?

umlumpa commented 7 months ago


is it works? for everyone?

meezaan commented 7 months ago


is it works? for everyone?

No. Not yet. Still does not have what I believe is needed to run an independent sidecar.