nginxinc / ansible-role-nginx

Ansible role for installing NGINX
Apache License 2.0
619 stars 340 forks source link

Install NGINX Agent #630

Closed oCHRISo closed 3 months ago

oCHRISo commented 1 year ago

Proposed changes

The changes within this PR address the below user story: As a DevOps engineer, I want to install NGINX Agent so that I can use NGINX Management Suite

Updated readme and extended role to optionally install NGINX Agent (Following a similar structure to Amplify agent) from NGINX open source repo. As part of the NGINX Agent optional install, you can optionally add NGINX Management Suite config to the NGINX Agent config file so that the agent reports back to NGINX Management Suite.


Before creating a PR, run through this checklist and mark each as complete.

alessfg commented 3 months ago

Closing in favor of #698