nginxinc / kubernetes-ingress

NGINX and NGINX Plus Ingress Controllers for Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
4.64k stars 1.96k forks source link

witelisting the ip on nginx ingress controller #4083

Closed vadlakiran closed 8 months ago

vadlakiran commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug Hi team,

we have deployed the daemonset a nginx-ingress controller and i want to witelisting the sepcific ip address how we can try and i have tried with below annotations but did not work. "ip address"

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: we can reproduce it if needed

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Your environment : baremetal kubernetes cluster

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. Any log files you want to share.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hi @vadlakiran thanks for reporting!

Be sure to check out the docs and the Contributing Guidelines while you wait for a human to take a look at this :slightly_smiling_face:

I've parsed the text of your issue and it looks like you might be mixing up the two Ingress Controllers, please take a look at this page to see the differences between nginxinc/kubernetes-ingress (this repo) and kubernetes/ingress-nginx.


vepatel commented 1 year ago

Hi @vadlakiran looking at annotation "ip address" and version v1.10.1, seems like you're using different project kubernetes/ingress-nginx. I recommend creating an issue there instead.


vadlakiran commented 1 year ago

@vepatel we have refered this page and installed long back as i checked it we are using this nginxinc/kubernetes-ingress repo only, could you please suggest it, we are deploying as daemonset as below

`apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: annotations: deprecated.daemonset.template.generation: "1" nginx-controller default creationTimestamp: "2023-07-10T10:09:06Z" generation: 1 labels: Helm name: nginx-ingress namespace: default resourceVersion: "10717027" uid: a5eff5e1-2eaa-433d-88c4-6b754b8af0d3 spec: revisionHistoryLimit: 10 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx-ingress template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: nginx-ingress spec: containers:


vepatel commented 1 year ago

sorry, yeah this daemon-set belongs to this project but the build you're using is more than 2 years old as the latest release is 3.2.0. The annotation "ip address" does not belong to this project but the one mentioned in my earlier comment. might fit your use-case. eg:

vadlakiran commented 1 year ago

yeah, i agree that annotation "ip address" mentioned is not belongs to this project, i just tried likewise do we have any annotations ?

what is the latest version which supports k8s version v1.21.5 with ip witelisting ? any suggestion please

vepatel commented 1 year ago is the last release with 1.21 support and please use the example

vadlakiran commented 1 year ago

Thank you @vepatel for the example of the access-control i tried it but its supports only virtualsroute and virtualserver. how to make it work with nginx ingress controller ?

vepatel commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately k8s Ingress resource does not natively support access-control. virtualserverroute and virtualserver are custom resources used by nginx ingress controller and this functionality is natively supported by them through policy.

You can use location-snippets to insert nginx config required to enable this:

vadlakiran commented 1 year ago

@vepatel i have tried with location-snippets but did not work, i have given like below for location-snippets and on daemonset mentioned args

`apiVersion: v1 data: client-max-body-size: "0" http-snippets: | add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN always; nginx.status.tmpl: "server {\n listen 8080;\n{{- $cidr := .Values.nginx_status_allow_cidrs | default \"\" }}\n{{- range (splitList \",\" $cidr) }}\n allow {{.}};\n{{- end }}\n deny all;\n\n location /stub_status {\n stub_status;\n } \n }\n" nginx.virtualserver.tmpl: |2

{{ range $u := .Upstreams }}
upstream {{ $u.Name }} {
    {{ if ne $u.UpstreamZoneSize "0" }}zone {{ $u.Name }} {{ $u.UpstreamZoneSize }};{{ end }}

    {{ if $u.LBMethod }}{{ $u.LBMethod }};{{ end }}

    {{ range $s := $u.Servers }}
    server {{with $x := $s.Address | len}}{{with $y :=  slice $s.Address 3 | len}}[{{slice $s.Address 0 $y}}]{{slice $s.Ad            dress $y $x}}{{end}}{{end}} max_fails={{ $u.MaxFails }} fail_timeout={{ $u.FailTimeout }} max_conns={{ $u.MaxConns }};
    {{ end }}

    {{ if $u.Keepalive }}
    keepalive {{ $u.Keepalive }};
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ range $sc := .SplitClients }}
split_clients {{ $sc.Source }} {{ $sc.Variable }} {
    {{ range $d := $sc.Distributions }}
    {{ $d.Weight }} {{ $d.Value }};
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ range $m := .Maps }}
map {{ $m.Source }} {{ $m.Variable }} {
    {{ range $p := $m.Parameters }}
    {{ $p.Value }} {{ $p.Result }};
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ range $snippet := .HTTPSnippets }}
{{- $snippet }}
{{ end }}

{{ range $z := .LimitReqZones }}
limit_req_zone {{ $z.Key }} zone={{ $z.ZoneName }}:{{ $z.ZoneSize }} rate={{ $z.Rate }};
{{ end }}

{{ $s := .Server }}
server {
    listen [::]:80{{ if $s.ProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};

    server_name {{ $s.ServerName }};

    set $resource_type "virtualserver";
    set $resource_name "{{$s.VSName}}";
    set $resource_namespace "{{$s.VSNamespace}}";

    {{ with $ssl := $s.SSL }}
        {{ if $s.TLSPassthrough }}
    listen unix:/var/lib/nginx/passthrough-https.sock{{ if $ssl.HTTP2 }} http2{{ end }} proxy_protocol;
    set_real_ip_from unix:;
    real_ip_header proxy_protocol;
        {{ else }}
    listen [::]:443 ssl{{ if $ssl.HTTP2 }} http2{{ end }}{{ if $s.ProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
        {{ end }}

    ssl_certificate {{ $ssl.Certificate }};
    ssl_certificate_key {{ $ssl.CertificateKey }};

        {{ if $ssl.Ciphers }}
    ssl_ciphers {{ $ssl.Ciphers }};
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

    {{ with $s.IngressMTLS }}
    ssl_client_certificate {{ .ClientCert }};
    ssl_verify_client {{ .VerifyClient }};
    ssl_verify_depth {{ .VerifyDepth }};
    {{ end }}

    {{ with $s.TLSRedirect }}
    if ({{ .BasedOn }} = 'http') {
        return {{ .Code }} https://$host$request_uri;
    {{ end }}

    server_tokens "{{ $s.ServerTokens }}";

    {{ range $setRealIPFrom := $s.SetRealIPFrom }}
    set_real_ip_from {{ $setRealIPFrom }};
    {{ end }}
    {{ if $s.RealIPHeader }}
    real_ip_header {{ $s.RealIPHeader }};
    {{ end }}
    {{ if $s.RealIPRecursive }}
    real_ip_recursive on;
    {{ end }}

    {{ with $s.PoliciesErrorReturn }}
    return {{ .Code }};
    {{ end }}

    {{ range $allow := $s.Allow }}
    allow {{ $allow }};
    {{ end }}
    {{ if gt (len $s.Allow) 0 }}
    deny all;
    {{ end }}

    {{ range $deny := $s.Deny }}
    deny {{ $deny }};
    {{ end }}
    {{ if gt (len $s.Deny) 0 }}
    allow all;
    {{ end }}

    {{ if $s.LimitReqOptions.DryRun }}
    limit_req_dry_run on;
    {{ end }}

    {{ with $level := $s.LimitReqOptions.LogLevel }}
    limit_req_log_level {{ $level }};
    {{ end }}

    {{ with $code := $s.LimitReqOptions.RejectCode }}
    limit_req_status {{ $code }};
    {{ end }}

    {{ range $rl := $s.LimitReqs }}
    limit_req zone={{ $rl.ZoneName }}{{ if $rl.Burst }} burst={{ $rl.Burst }}{{ end }}
        {{ if $rl.Delay }} delay={{ $rl.Delay }}{{ end }}{{ if $rl.NoDelay }} nodelay{{ end }};
    {{ end }}

    {{ with $s.EgressMTLS }}
        {{ if .Certificate }}
    proxy_ssl_certificate {{ .Certificate }};
    proxy_ssl_certificate_key {{ .CertificateKey }};
        {{ end }}
        {{ if .TrustedCert }}
    proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate {{ .TrustedCert }};
        {{ end }}

    proxy_ssl_verify {{ if .VerifyServer }}on{{else}}off{{end}};
    proxy_ssl_verify_depth {{ .VerifyDepth }};
    proxy_ssl_protocols {{ .Protocols }};
    proxy_ssl_ciphers {{ .Ciphers }};
    proxy_ssl_session_reuse {{ if .SessionReuse }}on{{else}}off{{end}};
    proxy_ssl_server_name {{ if .ServerName }}on{{else}}off{{end}};
    proxy_ssl_name {{ .SSLName }};
    {{ end }}

    {{ range $snippet := $s.Snippets }}
    {{- $snippet }}
    {{ end }}

    {{ range $l := $s.InternalRedirectLocations }}
    location {{ $l.Path }} {
        rewrite ^ {{ $l.Destination }} last;
    {{ end }}

    {{ range $e := $s.ErrorPageLocations }}
    location {{ $e.Name }} {
        {{ if $e.DefaultType }}
        default_type "{{ $e.DefaultType }}";
        {{ end }}
        {{ range $h := $e.Headers }}
        add_header {{ $h.Name }} "{{ $h.Value }}" always;
        {{ end }}
        return 0 "{{ $e.Return.Text }}";
    {{ end }}

    {{ range $l := $s.ReturnLocations }}
    location {{ $l.Name }} {
        default_type "{{ $l.DefaultType }}";
        return 0 "{{ $l.Return.Text }}";
    {{ end }}

    {{ range $l := $s.Locations }}
    location {{ $l.Path }} {
        set $service "{{ $l.ServiceName }}";
        {{ if $l.IsVSR }}
        set $resource_type "virtualserverroute";
        set $resource_name "{{ $l.VSRName }}";
        set $resource_namespace "{{ $l.VSRNamespace }}";
        {{ end }}
        {{ if $l.Internal }}
        {{ end }}
        {{ range $snippet := $l.Snippets }}
        {{- $snippet }}
        {{ end }}

        {{ with $l.PoliciesErrorReturn }}
        return {{ .Code }};
        {{ end }}

        {{ range $allow := $l.Allow }}
        allow {{ $allow }};
        {{ end }}
        {{ if gt (len $l.Allow) 0 }}
        deny all;
        {{ end }}

        {{ range $deny := $l.Deny }}
        deny {{ $deny }};
        {{ end }}
        {{ if gt (len $l.Deny) 0 }}
        allow all;
        {{ end }}

        {{ if $l.LimitReqOptions.DryRun }}
        limit_req_dry_run on;
        {{ end }}

        {{ with $level := $l.LimitReqOptions.LogLevel }}
        limit_req_log_level {{ $level }};
        {{ end }}

        {{ with $code := $l.LimitReqOptions.RejectCode }}
        limit_req_status {{ $code }};
        {{ end }}

        {{ range $rl := $l.LimitReqs }}
        limit_req zone={{ $rl.ZoneName }}{{ if $rl.Burst }} burst={{ $rl.Burst }}{{ end }}
            {{ if $rl.Delay }} delay={{ $rl.Delay }}{{ end }}{{ if $rl.NoDelay }} nodelay{{ end }};
        {{ end }}

        {{ with $l.EgressMTLS }}
            {{ if .Certificate }}
        proxy_ssl_certificate {{ .Certificate }};
        proxy_ssl_certificate_key {{ .CertificateKey }};
            {{ end }}
            {{ if .TrustedCert }}
        proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate {{ .TrustedCert }};
            {{ end }}

        proxy_ssl_verify {{ if .VerifyServer }}on{{else}}off{{end}};
        proxy_ssl_verify_depth {{ .VerifyDepth }};
        proxy_ssl_protocols {{ .Protocols }};
        proxy_ssl_ciphers {{ .Ciphers }};
        proxy_ssl_session_reuse {{ if .SessionReuse }}on{{else}}off{{end}};
        proxy_ssl_server_name {{ if .ServerName }}on{{else}}off{{end}};
        proxy_ssl_name {{ .SSLName }};
        {{ end }}

        {{ range $e := $l.ErrorPages }}
        error_page {{ $e.Codes }} {{ if ne 0 $e.ResponseCode }}={{ $e.ResponseCode }}{{ end }} "{{ $e.Name }}";
        {{ end }}

        {{ if $l.ProxyInterceptErrors }}
        proxy_intercept_errors on;
        {{ end }}

        {{ if $l.InternalProxyPass }}
        proxy_pass {{ $l.InternalProxyPass }};
        {{ end }}

        {{ if $l.ProxyPass }}
        set $default_connection_header {{ if $l.HasKeepalive }}""{{ else }}close{{ end }};

            {{ range $r := $l.Rewrites }}
        rewrite {{ $r }};
            {{ end }}
        proxy_connect_timeout {{ $l.ProxyConnectTimeout }};
        proxy_read_timeout {{ $l.ProxyReadTimeout }};
        proxy_send_timeout {{ $l.ProxySendTimeout }};
        client_max_body_size {{ $l.ClientMaxBodySize }};
            {{ if $l.ProxyMaxTempFileSize }}
        proxy_max_temp_file_size {{ $l.ProxyMaxTempFileSize }};
            {{ end }}

        proxy_buffering {{ if $l.ProxyBuffering }}on{{ else }}off{{ end }};
            {{ if $l.ProxyBuffers }}
        proxy_buffers {{ $l.ProxyBuffers }};
            {{ end }}
            {{ if $l.ProxyBufferSize }}
        proxy_buffer_size {{ $l.ProxyBufferSize }};
            {{ end }}
        proxy_http_version 1.1;

        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection $vs_connection_header;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto {{ with $s.TLSRedirect }}{{ .BasedOn }}{{ else }}$scheme{{ end }};
            {{ range $h := $l.ProxySetHeaders }}
        proxy_set_header {{ $h.Name }} "{{ $h.Value }}";
            {{ end }}
            {{ range $h := $l.ProxyHideHeaders }}
        proxy_hide_header {{ $h }};
            {{ end }}
            {{ range $h := $l.ProxyPassHeaders }}
        proxy_pass_header {{ $h }};
            {{ end }}
            {{ with $l.ProxyIgnoreHeaders }}
        proxy_ignore_headers {{ $l.ProxyIgnoreHeaders }};
            {{ end }}
            {{ range $h := $l.AddHeaders }}
        add_header {{ $h.Name }} "{{ $h.Value }}" {{ if $h.Always }}always{{ end }};
            {{ end }}
        proxy_pass {{ $l.ProxyPass }}{{ $l.ProxyPassRewrite }};
        proxy_next_upstream {{ $l.ProxyNextUpstream }};
        proxy_next_upstream_timeout {{ $l.ProxyNextUpstreamTimeout }};
        proxy_next_upstream_tries {{ $l.ProxyNextUpstreamTries }};
        proxy_pass_request_headers {{ if $l.ProxyPassRequestHeaders }}on{{ else }}off{{ end }};
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

proxy-body-size: "0" proxy-read-timeout: "600" proxy-send-timeout: "600" server-tokens: "false" worker-connections: "30000" kind: ConfigMap metadata: annotations: nginx-controller default creationTimestamp: "2023-07-10T09:41:17Z" labels: Helm name: nginx-vs-config namespace: default resourceVersion: "31487204" uid: 38d3cbb5-bcb4-4c88-b97b-b33d48bb2722 `

below i have given for args on nginx-ingress controller daemonset

`apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: annotations: deprecated.daemonset.template.generation: "19" nginx-controller default creationTimestamp: "2023-07-10T09:41:17Z" generation: 19 labels: Helm name: nginx-ingress namespace: default resourceVersion: "31592131" uid: 05a2a428-0a13-4052-b2ec-3883f94e485f spec: revisionHistoryLimit: 10 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx-ingress template: metadata: annotations: TLSv1.2 "true" "false" creationTimestamp: null labels: app: nginx-ingress spec: containers:

vepatel commented 1 year ago

are location-snippets being added in ingress yaml? I see mentions of nginx.virtualserver.tmpl: in the code above. Also is controller.enableSnippets set correctly in helm command?

vepatel commented 1 year ago

something like:

kind: Ingress
  name: cafe-ingress-with-snippets
  annotations: |
              allow 2001:0db8::/32;
              deny  all;
brianehlert commented 1 year ago

The key is that enable-snippets is set on the deployment. It is not uncommon for snippets to be defined but snippets not being enabled.

vadlakiran commented 1 year ago

@brianehlert we have given - enable-snippets=true its not working, is there any way we can enable that, and we are not using helm chart to install, we just doing the deployment of daemonset.

vepatel commented 1 year ago

@vadlakiran can you please post kubectl describe output of your daemonset (with snippet flag enabled) and ingress (with required snippets in it)? please use github code-blocks to enclose both.

vadlakiran commented 1 year ago

below are the ingress entries `Name: webapp-ingress-ipv4 Namespace: default Address: Default backend: default-http-backend:80 (<error: endpoints "default-http-backend" not found>) TLS: apps-tls-secret terminates Rules: Host Path Backends / web-app-svc:80 (, /ws web-socket-none-service:80 ( / node-ssh-svc:80 ( Annotations: false web-app default proxy_set_header Upgrade "websocket"; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; false false /$1 true round_robin allow; deny all; node-ssh-svc Events: Type Reason Age From Message


below is the daemonset describe which i have enabled snippet

Name: nginx-ingress Selector: app=nginx-ingress Node-Selector: Labels: Annotations: deprecated.daemonset.template.generation: 21 nginx-controller default Desired Number of Nodes Scheduled: 3 Current Number of Nodes Scheduled: 3 Number of Nodes Scheduled with Up-to-date Pods: 3 Number of Nodes Scheduled with Available Pods: 3 Number of Nodes Misscheduled: 0 Pods Status: 3 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed Pod Template: Labels: app=nginx-ingress Annotations: TLSv1.2 true false Service Account: nginx-ingress Containers: nginx-ingress: Image: Ports: 80/TCP, 443/TCP Host Ports: 80/TCP, 443/TCP Args: -nginx-configmaps=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/nginx-vs-config -default-server-tls-secret=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/apps-tls-secret -v=3 -virtualserver-template-path=/opt/nginx.virtualserver.tmpl -enable-preview-policies=true -enable-snippets=true Limits: cpu: 2 memory: 4Gi Requests: cpu: 1 memory: 4Gi Environment: TZ: Asia/Kolkata POD_NAMESPACE: (v1:metadata.namespace) POD_NAME: ( Mounts: /etc/localtime from tz-config (rw) /opt from config-path (rw) Volumes: config-path: Type: ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap) Name: nginx-vs-config Optional: false tz-config: Type: HostPath (bare host directory volume) Path: /etc/localtime HostPathType: Events: Type Reason Age From Message

Normal SuccessfulDelete 23m daemonset-controller Deleted pod: nginx-ingress-h67ds Normal SuccessfulCreate 23m daemonset-controller Created pod: nginx-ingress-gn7cp Normal SuccessfulDelete 23m daemonset-controller Deleted pod: nginx-ingress-nj9zg Normal SuccessfulCreate 23m daemonset-controller Created pod: nginx-ingress-xz7r7 Normal SuccessfulDelete 23m daemonset-controller Deleted pod: nginx-ingress-btdxl Normal SuccessfulCreate 22m daemonset-controller Created pod: nginx-ingress-57vkv Normal SuccessfulDelete 32s daemonset-controller Deleted pod: nginx-ingress-xz7r7 Normal SuccessfulCreate 27s daemonset-controller Created pod: nginx-ingress-85sxn Normal SuccessfulDelete 24s daemonset-controller Deleted pod: nginx-ingress-gn7cp Normal SuccessfulCreate 21s daemonset-controller Created pod: nginx-ingress-k2w7j Normal SuccessfulDelete 19s daemonset-controller Deleted pod: nginx-ingress-57vkv Normal SuccessfulCreate 16s daemonset-controller Created pod: nginx-ingress-glh42 draj@master3:~$

brianehlert commented 1 year ago

You are saying "it is not working" and I have to apologize but I am going to ask: what is not working?

Do any of your Ingress objects have errors? Is the snippet not being written to the nginx.conf in the ingress controller pod?

I am not following how you are determining that it is not working. executing nginx -T in the pod will quickly show us the resolved configuration.

vepatel commented 1 year ago

@vadlakiran any update on this?

vadlakiran commented 1 year ago

@brianehlert, I am trying to whitelist the specific IP in ingress, I have tried with snippet but did not worked Is there any solution to whitelist the ip

brianehlert commented 1 year ago

I take it that what @vepatel suggested here is not working? Are there errors? Did you enable snippets with the deployment option?

kind: Ingress
  name: cafe-ingress-with-snippets
  annotations: |
              allow 2001:0db8::/32;
              deny  all;

I am guessing this is not an option because you are trying to exclusively use the Ingress resource:

github-actions[bot] commented 8 months ago

This issue is stale because it has been open 90 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 10 days.

github-actions[bot] commented 8 months ago

This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 10 days with no activity.