nglviewer / ngl

WebGL protein viewer
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Is there a signal for when rendering of a component has completed #917

Closed Oeffner closed 2 years ago

Oeffner commented 2 years ago

I am displaying NGL components which occasionally can be take some time to load and render. I note from that stage.tasks.onZeroOnce(callback) will fire once the model has been loaded. Is there a similar signal for when the model or component has actually been rendered? I would like to calculate clip planes based on camera.position. But camera position is not valid until the model has been rendered. So a signal fired to that effect would be very useful.

fredludlow commented 2 years ago

I don't think there's anything like that currently, though happy to review/merge a PR that adds the appropriate signal! One possible workaround is to use absolute values for clip planes?

Oeffner commented 2 years ago

Thanks @fredludlow for your reply. I don't really have a pull request but I did find a workaround that does the job for me. What I'm doing is to call autoView(time) for the component I want to display. Even if I set it to a certain time it may take a while before that function starts its background work if the data represented by the component is large. So I made a workaround which can be outlined as follows:

` async function SetAutoview(mycomponent, time) { if (mycomponent == null) return;


while (true) { if ( == mycomponent.getZoom()) { onFinishedSetAutoView(); return; } await sleep(200); } }; ` getZoom() defines what eventually is gonna be. Once that has been achieved by autoView(time) The onFinishedSetAutoView() function which I have define elsewhere is then triggered and thus works as a reliable signal I believe.

fredludlow commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the example - still might be nice to do it with an explicit API at some point too :)