interface Example {
positions: [number, number][];
When I create a FormGroup from the above interface, the type of positions is determined to be FormGroup instead of FormArray. I expect it to be a FormArray because it's an array, not an object.
const group = new FormGroup<ControlsOf>({
positions: new FormArray([
new FormControl(0),
new FormControl(0)
]) // This throws an error because FormArray is not FormGroup.
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Please provide the exception or error you saw
Type 'FormArray<[number, number], FormArray<number, FormControl<number>>>' is not assignable to type 'FormArray<[number, number], FormGroup<[FormControl<number>, FormControl<number>]>>'.
Type 'FormArray<number, FormControl<number>>' is missing the following properties from type 'FormGroup<[FormControl<number>, FormControl<number>]>': registerControl, addControl, removeControl, contains
Please provide the environment you discovered this bug in
Is this a regression?
Version: ^4.1.0
Given the following interface
When I create a FormGroup from the above interface, the type of positions is determined to be FormGroup instead of FormArray. I expect it to be a FormArray because it's an array, not an object.
const group = new FormGroup<ControlsOf>({
positions: new FormArray([
new FormControl(0),
new FormControl(0)
]) // This throws an error because FormArray is not FormGroup.
Please provide a link to a minimal reproduction of the bug
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Please provide the exception or error you saw
Please provide the environment you discovered this bug in
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Anything else?
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