ngokevin / angle

:clock430: A-Frame command-line tool for installing components and scaffolding templates.
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ghpages OR/AND exaples AND component aframe-registry #12

Closed 7dir closed 7 years ago

7dir commented 7 years ago

It`s only my point of view

what I`m talking about?

    "preghpages": "npm run build && shx rm -rf gh-pages && shx mkdir gh-pages && shx cp -r examples/* gh-pages",
    "ghpages": "npm run preghpages && ghpages -p gh-pages",

it`s bad practice: no sources it is good for commercial usage, just show example

ghpages aka source code

  $ ghpages

  -p, --path    Path (directory to push; defaults to current directory)
  -r, --repo    Repository (GitHub username, GitHub username/repo, full repo URL)
  -d, --domain  Domain name (for `CNAME` to create in GitHub Pages branch)
  -p, --path    Path or directory to publish. Defaults to root directory of project.
  -h, --help    Show help

  $ ghpages
  $ ghpages cvan
  $ ghpages cvan/blog
  $ ghpages cvan/blog -p dist
  $ ghpages
  $ ghpages -r cvan/blog -d


I surpose just add now

   "deploy": "ghpages -r {{ repo }}",

A-Frame Registry

It would be great to add only good component Web-components Registry have bad practice allow everyone to publish component, then it look like scrap-heap :-)

I don`t know how A-Frame team add component to Registry Manualy?

7dir commented 7 years ago

Oh, sorry!

ghpages did not create repo for U

I don`t like it (ghpages) or just want to sleep )))

Question about publish still open

ngokevin commented 7 years ago

GitHub Pages is the component's homepage.

Registry submission is curated. All Registry submissions usually have a GitHub Pages.

7dir commented 7 years ago

this will create repo

$ npm i gh -g
$ gh re --new aframe-foo-component --gitignore Node
First we need authorization to use GitHub\'s API. Login with your GitHub account.
? Enter your GitHub user 7dir
? Enter your GitHub password ************
Writing GH config data: C:\Users\Administrator\.gh.json
Authentication succeed.
Creating a new repo on 7dir/aframe-foo-component
[hook] gh re --browser  --user 7dir --repo aframe-foo-component

@ngokevin what about add this features?

7dir commented 7 years ago


could add this component/packages.json?

  "mkrepo": "gh re --new {{ npmName }} --gitignore Node",

or U should add it to

To publish the component to the ecosystem:
make sure github repo exist

ngokevin commented 7 years ago

Yeah I think that's a good idea. A command to create a GitHub repo.