ngokevin / angle

:clock430: A-Frame command-line tool for installing components and scaffolding templates.
MIT License
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publish ghpages #16

Closed 7dir closed 7 years ago

7dir commented 7 years ago


1) and there are no .gitignore after angle initcomponent, only .npmignore I can not understand why What`s happened with .gitignore


2) cp -r examples/* gh-pages - it`s bad! Where is aframe-my-component.js So...

angle\templates\component\package.json add devDependencies

  "gh": "^1.12.8",

remove it

"prepublish": "npm run dist",
"preghpages": "npm run build && shx rm -rf gh-pages && shx mkdir gh-pages && shx cp -r examples/* gh-pages",
"ghpages": "npm run preghpages && ghpages -p gh-pages",
"start": "npm run dev"

leave this

"build": "browserify examples/main.js -o examples/build.js",
"dev": "budo examples/main.js:build.js --dir examples --port 8000 --live --open",
"dist": "webpack index.js dist/{{ npmName }}.js && webpack -p index.js dist/{{ npmName }}.min.js",
"lint": "semistandard -v | snazzy",
"mkrepo": "node ./node_modules/gh/bin/gh.js re --new {{ npmName }} --gitignore Node",
"publish": "npm run dist && npm run mkrepo && ghpages",
"start": "npm run dev"

The End

3) then we can npm run publish

7dir commented 7 years ago

Also we can not make npm i -g shx, only npm install, then we should use this style for non *nix OS node ./node_modules/shx/lib/cli.js

7dir commented 7 years ago

just idea @ngokevin

7dir commented 7 years ago

reslove in microiteractions