ngoquang2708 / android_device_samsung_vivalto3gvn

Device tree for Samsung Galaxy V SM-G313HZ
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Cannot wake the device up #101

Open ngoquang2708 opened 6 years ago

ngoquang2708 commented 6 years ago

Cannot wake the device up even with the power key.

diepquynh commented 6 years ago

Needs reverting autosleep commit from system_core, or update kernel (idk about this)

ngoquang2708 commented 6 years ago

I set the sleep time to 30min :)

ngoquang2708 commented 6 years ago

Have you received my email?

diepquynh commented 6 years ago

Now I noticed this XD

ngoquang2708 commented 6 years ago

Oh, don't read email guy :) Anyway. Did the new rild crash?

ngoquang2708 commented 6 years ago

Or it is running normally but you cannot make call?

diepquynh commented 6 years ago

rild didn't crash, at least if you don't use multisim's RIL_onUnsolicitedResponse, because it has 4 arguments and our libreference-ril_sp has 3 arguments, causing segfaults

diepquynh commented 6 years ago

Yeah I couldn't make calls. Somehow on dialing function or when it sends AT+SSAM=0 command to modem, the RIL got crashed

ngoquang2708 commented 6 years ago

Getting rild up and running is a big success here for you. Mine always crash. I have a fear that LD_PRELOAD cause it. I will try to shim it instead.

diepquynh commented 6 years ago

That was just a little bit disassembling and understanding pseudo-C codes using IDA Pro XD

What I am trying to understand is why Sammy uses such big size for its RIL_CardStatus_v6 struct. AOSP has 280 but my stock blob has 440. Inserting ints to that struct in AOSP isn't a good idea

ngoquang2708 commented 6 years ago

LD_PRELOAD some how cash my rild (aosp ril from your repo) :D. Now it can run with shim. So I have to modify my blobs and my shim :).

diepquynh commented 6 years ago

So you got signals right?

ngoquang2708 commented 6 years ago

Nothing yet. rild just not crash.

diepquynh commented 6 years ago

Maybe I know why it crashes. property_get/set args have been modified in O Got this crash during O bringup with my custom init binary also

ngoquang2708 commented 6 years ago

What changes?

diepquynh commented 6 years ago

Oh damn forget it. I used GetProperty() for my init instead of property_get() XD

diepquynh commented 6 years ago

Just checked, stuffs didn't change

ngoquang2708 commented 6 years ago

Haha. Same stuff for C, C++, Java. We all got confused. Isn't it!

ngoquang2708 commented 6 years ago

OMG. I got signal :o

diepquynh commented 6 years ago

So you're surprised like me XD

diepquynh commented 6 years ago

I guess your RIL bugs now are exactly the same as mine

ngoquang2708 commented 6 years ago

Yeah. No call. But USSD :D. Both SIM. Se do you know where we should make changes in Java? Previously we have used BOAD_RIL_CLASS to make changes. Now it seems to be gone.

diepquynh commented 6 years ago

That BOARD_RIL_CLASS is ditched in O. We all have to rebuild libril and since, most of java changes are just for that prebuilt lib so, if we were doing changes for RIL class before, do the same for libril at present

To be honest, sprd RIL is AOSP-friendly like other Samsung devices. Just because we were lazy to get it working though, or else it's very easy to bring up stuffs as for now XD