ngovil21 / RequestChannel.bundle

Request Channel - A Plex Channel to create requests
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Better breadcrums implementation #67

Open TGM opened 6 years ago

TGM commented 6 years ago


If it's possible, please allow for the full navigation tree in breadcrumbs.

It's currently over the hand to go to the bottom of the page and hit back a few times to get back to the main menu.

ngovil21 commented 6 years ago

Any particular places you have issues and on what device? I mostly develop for Plex Web, so I am a bit ignorant to the interface on other devices.

Like when searching for movies would it be better to include pages with say 10 or 20 results at a time?

TGM commented 6 years ago

Here for example,

I'm under request channel -> view movie requests


And another example here, I'm under request channel -> request a movie.


This is from the web GUI.