ngovil21 / RequestChannel.bundle

Request Channel - A Plex Channel to create requests
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Completed request email not sending #85

Open Zachar2 opened 5 years ago

Zachar2 commented 5 years ago

Hi. I have a Gmail mailbox set up as a notifying service and all the emails are being sent fine except the ones with completed requests. Interesting thing is that it does happen eventually but only in the moment when I manually click the RC settings icon in my Plugins which results in just entering the settings. The second I do that, all stuck completed requests notifications are being sent at once. Any idea what might be causing that?

Zachar2 commented 5 years ago

I'll add that I'm using NAS as a storage for my media so it's a network path for Plex. Maybe this has something to do with scanning Plex Library for completed requests. I experimented with the interval setting - 1 then 2 and finally 0 - but there were no changes in this behaviour.

Edit: With 0 there's no email notification - probably as intended.

Edit 2: After setting "Interval in hours to scan Plex Library for completed requests" back to 1, it looks like the completed tasks are detected correctly but not being pushed to email until I manually enter the settings again.

Edit 3: This action also triggers when I simply enter the plugin on my Android device - not even its settings.

gandalf764 commented 5 years ago

I have set gmail and when a user makes a request works smoothly, while when the request is completed no mail arrives. If I enter the plugin then I get the email (should arrive to the user instead it comes to me) and every time I enter the plug-in continues to receive the email request completed. I think there is some problem

imxLucid commented 5 years ago

i believe this is happening because the plugin does not detect that shows have been completed properly. many times i see that completed requests are still showing in the requests section. When i click the 'clear completed' option, this allows me to clear some of the completed requests but not all of them. i will help check further into this issue when i have more time.

as far as notifying the original requestor that the request has been completed, i am not sure this functionality exists although i agree it would be beneficial. something else i will check into when i have more time