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Feature: A new floating header bar #1217

Open tamalCodes opened 4 months ago

tamalCodes commented 4 months ago


Proposed Solution

Check the figma design here and prototype here to see how the animation looks like


image image

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github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

Hello @tamalCodes, thank you for raising the issue.

Currently, the issue is marked as so please wait until the maintainers/owner review it and provide you with feedback/suggestions to proceed further.

Feel free to reach out to Tamal on Twitter, or drop a mail at if you think that this issue is of critical priority.

Give us a ⭐ to show some support Happy OpenSource 🚀

riteshshukladev commented 4 months ago

Hey @tamalCodes, would love to add this animation, kindly assign.

tamalCodes commented 4 months ago

Hi @riteshshukladev , please go ahead with it !

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riteshshukladev commented 4 months ago

hey @tamalCodes, need your help ,as i'm facing an weird type of issue like after clonning the codebase and intallling the required dependencies . when i starts the development server and makes some changes in the codebase the changes doesn't get reflected in the UI and in the terminal of my editor.

Rather,it throws an text like this,[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of C:\Users\Ritesh\OneDrive\Documents\Milan\src\assets\pictures\Banner\MilanBuild.svg as it exceeds the max of 500KB., (that is actually the build file).

To solve this issue early on i , asked chatGPT why the changes doesn't get reflected in the UI and passed this message as well, it gave me a resposne that , HMR(Hot Module Replacement) that allows developers to see their changes in the browser without needing a full page reload in web development servers, such as Webpack. The message you're seeing in your command line, regarding Babel deoptimizing the styling of a specific SVG file due to its size exceeding the maximum limit of 500KB, is indeed relevant and could be contributing to the issues you're experiencing. This message indicates that the SVG file is unusually large for a web asset, which might not only affect the build optimization process but could also have implications for hot module replacement (HMR) and the overall performance of your development server.

please help!!

tamalCodes commented 4 months ago

That is not an error, the thing you get from Babel is a warning, everything else should work fine. Can you check the console to see? Also can you give me a screen recording using any free software so that I can see too ?