ngraziano / SharpRTSP

A RTSP handling library
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Rtsp playback #106

Closed Revan1985 closed 9 months ago

Revan1985 commented 9 months ago

Added a basilar RTSP playback. This is requested to camera (that supports it), with 2 headers, a range and an optional scale (for reverse playback). There is no much to check/test for it, I am testing this at works with the onvif profile, cannot find too much camera details for the producer rtsp playback url. onvif playback can be found under the ProfileG specification that provides an uri like this: rtsp://ProfileG//recording/play.smp the recordingID is provided by the ReplayPortClient.GetReplayUriAsync replay.wsdl with the token provided by RecordingPortClient.GetRecordingsAsync recording.wsdl (and yes, onvif protocol is a total 💩 )

ngraziano commented 9 months ago

Hi, Sorry I will not merge that. I think adding a new message type RTSPRequestPlayback is not necessary, I want the code to be near the protocol. Maybe you can add some extension method to add this header. Something like

public static void AddPlaybackRange(this RtspRquestPlay message, DateTime start...

And for the onvif protocol I know it , it is really a mess. The PTZ command, the configuration, the extension in record playback to have the image timestamp. Everything is so complicate to do simple actions.

Revan1985 commented 9 months ago

Hello ngraziano, ok, i will close the pull request. I will retry to commit with an extension instead of a new message