Closed ariakhademi closed 4 years ago
H, thank you for bringing this up. Unfortunately I wasn't able to replicate this issue. Running the following always behaves as expected:
library(CBPS); library(cobalt)
#> Loading required package: MASS
#> Loading required package: MatchIt
#> Loading required package: nnet
#> Loading required package: numDeriv
#> Loading required package: glmnet
#> Loading required package: Matrix
#> Loading required package: foreach
#> Loaded glmnet 2.0-18
#> CBPS: Covariate Balancing Propensity Score
#> Version: 0.21
#> Authors: Christian Fong [aut, cre],
#> Marc Ratkovic [aut],
#> Kosuke Imai [aut],
#> Chad Hazlett [ctb],
#> Xiaolin Yang [ctb],
#> Sida Peng [ctb]
#> cobalt (Version 3.9.0, Build Date: 2019-10-06 19:10:02 UTC)
#> Please read the documentation at ? to understand the default outputs.
#> Submit bug reports and feature requests to
#> Install the development version (not guaranteed to be stable) with:
#> devtools::install_github("ngreifer/cobalt")
#> Thank you for using cobalt!
#> Attaching package: 'cobalt'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:MatchIt':
#> lalonde
data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")
#Binary (0, 1) treatment
out <- CBPS(treat ~ age + educ + married + race, data = lalonde, ATT = 1)
#> [1] "Finding ATT with T=1 as the treatment. Set ATT=2 to find ATT with T=0 as the treatment"
bal.plot(out, "age")
out <- CBPS(treat ~ age + educ + married + race, data = lalonde, ATT = 0)
bal.plot(out, "age")
#Factor treatment
out <- CBPS(race ~ age + educ + married + nodegree, data = lalonde)
bal.plot(out, "age")
#Binary (1, 2) treatment; CBPS treats as continuous,
#bal.plot correctly interprets as binary
lalonde$treat2 <- lalonde$treat + 1
out <- CBPS(treat2 ~ age + educ + married + race, data = lalonde, method = "exact")
#> Warning in = structure(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, :
#> Treatment vector is numeric. Interpreting as a continuous treatment. To
#> solve for a binary or multi-valued treatment, make treat a factor.
bal.plot(out, "age")
Created on 2019-12-17 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Can you provide me with a reproducible example? Also, if this is causing you issues, you should try doing the same analysis using WeightIt
, which performs CBPS too, using the same syntax.
I too seem to be having issues with and other functions from cobalt accepting CBPS output (binary treatment). i keep getting "Error: 'f' must be a formula'. Any thoughts here? Thanks in advance for this package and any advice!
@istallworthy So sorry you're having this issue! Are you using the most recent version of cobalt
? Can you tell me what other packages you have loaded when you run into this issue (this is almost certainly what the problem is)?
thanks for your quick reply! i did just install cobalt the same day so i believe it is the most recent version (4.4.1?) of the package. in addition to cobalt and cbps, i also have the following packages loaded: dplyr, devtools, datasets, ggplot2, graphics, grDevices, methods, purrr, readr, stats, stringr, tableHTML, testthat, tidyr, tidyverse, usethis, and utils. thanks!
Unforutnately I cannot reproduce your error:
#> cobalt (Version 4.4.1, Build Date: 2022-11-03)
for (i in c("dplyr", "devtools", "datasets", "ggplot2", "graphics", "grDevices",
"methods", "purrr", "readr", "stats", "stringr", "tableHTML",
"testthat", "tidyr", "tidyverse", "usethis"))
library(i, character.only = T)
m <- CBPS(factor(treat) ~ age + educ + married + race + re74, data = lalonde)
#> [1] "Finding ATT with T=1 as the treatment. Set ATT=2 to find ATT with T=0 as the treatment"
#> Balance Measures
#> Type Diff.Adj
#> prop.score Distance -0.0201
#> age Contin. -0.0038
#> educ Contin. 0.0009
#> married Binary -0.0006
#> race_black Binary 0.0004
#> race_hispan Binary -0.0000
#> race_white Binary -0.0004
#> re74 Contin. -0.0004
#> Effective sample sizes
#> Control Treated
#> Unadjusted 429. 185
#> Adjusted 105.46 185
bal.plot(m, "age", which = "both")
#> Warning: The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: weight
#> ℹ This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#> the data.
#> ℹ Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#> variable into a factor?
#> Warning: Standardized mean differences and raw mean differences are present in the same plot.
#> Use the 'stars' argument to distinguish between them and appropriately label the x-axis.
Created on 2022-12-09 with reprex v2.0.2
Can you give me a minimal reproducible example or at least show me what code you're using?
the code i'm using is as follows, in case this helps:
form="INR_bin ~ BrestFed + BSI.6 + ESETA1.6 + HOMEETA1.6 + HomeOwnd + HrsOfTV + IBQDnovm + Infectin + KFastScr + Med_6_R + NC + NumHH2_R + PCX_NEG.6 + PCX_POS.6 + PEmply2 + PPJWHr2_R + PregOTC + RcvErlHS + RcvFodSt + RcvGvCC + RcvGvHC + RcvGvHou + RcvGvTrn + RcvSchFd + RcvWIC + RGotAFDC + RGotFodS + RGotPubH + RHasSO + RHealth + RMAge1st + RMarStat + RMomAgeU + SurpPreg + TcBlac2 + WghtLoss + WIND.6"
fit <- CBPS::CBPS(form, data=MSMDATA_temp, ATT=0, iterations = 1000, standardize = TRUE, method = "exact", twostep = FALSE, sample.weights = NULL, baseline.formula = NULL, diff.formula = NULL)
Error: 'f' must be a formula.
I also tried again with the simplified
and i get the same error.
thanks again!
I see. Could you try loading cobalt
with library()
instead of just using ::
? This is a problem I've had that I need to work on, but doing this can sometimes solve it.
i tried loading cobalt with library() before and after running CBPS and running just with :: but I'm still getting the same error. I do appreciate the ideas, though!
I just had a thought. Don't include quotes around your formula. It's unnecessary and is probably why cobalt
doesn't think the formula is actually a formula. You should never supply formulas as a string and the fact that CBPS
accepts this is a convenience for the user but leads to weird issues like this when formula inputs are required.
That worked, thank you! and thanks for the tip about forms. i really appreciate it and will be sure to change that. (side note: you are still correct in that it does require me to manually load the cobalt library and doesn't like when i use ::).
Glad that solved it, still concerned about ::
not working.
i don't know if this helps but this is the error i get when I remove the cobalt library and try to run cobalt::love.plot(fit):
Error in = list(coefficients = c(0.882209404965283, -0.276814528516487, : could not find function ""
The code runs if I pre-load the cobalt library manually.
That is helpful! I just made an edit to the GitHub version to address this, I would really appreciate it if you could test it out for me. You can install it using
definitely! when i do that, i now get the following error when i try to run love.plot() after manually loading the library or cobalt::love.plot():
Error: (converted from warning) Unadjusted values are missing. This can occur when un = FALSE and quick = TRUE in the original call to
Thanks for providing the package cobalt. I'm trying to use it with the CBPS package, but I have a problem plotting. I can't get "bal.plot()" to generate density or histogram plots of the object generated by CBPS. Even if I specify the "type" and variable name properly, it returns a scatterplot. All of the examples provided online have tried objects generated by other packages such as MatchIt, but none with CBPS. However, other functions like love.plot() are working fine with CBPS. I was wondering if you've tried density plots for objects generated by CBPS?