ngreifer / cobalt

Covariate Balance Tables and Plots - An R package for assessing covariate balance
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Analysing datasets with cobalt #85

Open atralhao opened 2 weeks ago

atralhao commented 2 weeks ago

Dear Noah,

I´m trying to apply cobalt to my own dataset ("SG") following your vignette with the "lalonde" dataset.

However, I keep getting this message: "In data("SG", package = "cobalt") : data set ‘SG’ not found".

Does my dataset need to be included/imported into the cobalt package?

Thank you!

ngreifer commented 2 weeks ago

data() is for loading in datasets that are part of a package. You need to read in your own dataset from the file it is stored in. There is a different function depending on the type of file it is being stored in.

atralhao commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you.

I was trying to obtain a love plot using cobalt, after importing a dataset from Excel.