ngrx / platform

Reactive State for Angular
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false positives/negatives for rule @ngrx/no-multiple-actions-in-effects when using conditionals #4421

Closed P4 closed 2 months ago

P4 commented 2 months ago

Which @ngrx/* package(s) are the source of the bug?


Minimal reproduction of the bug/regression with instructions

const condition = true;
const foo = () => ({type: 'foo'}) as const,
  bar = () => ({type: 'bar'}) as const;

  // False positive - single action, reported as multiple
  () => inject(Actions).pipe(switchMap(() => (condition ? of(foo()) : of(bar())))),
  {functional: true},

  // False negative - two arrays of actions, not reported
  () => inject(Actions).pipe(switchMap(() => (condition ? [foo(), foo()] : [bar(), bar()]))),
  {functional: true},

Expected behavior

In the first effect, conditional expression returns one of two actions - the type is a union. Only one action actually gets emitted, so it should not be flagged

The second effect returns one of two arrays of multiple actions, so it should be reported as a problem by the rule.

Versions of NgRx, Angular, Node, affected browser(s) and operating system(s)

NgRx: 18.0.1 Angular: 18.0.6 Node: 18.20.2

Other information

Possibly caused by

The case for unions seems to be checking whether one of the types is not an array, when it should be doing the opposite? Hence the observed behavior - union with zero array types is flagged but union of only arrays is not.

I would be willing to submit a PR to fix this issue

P4 commented 2 months ago

Looks like it may have already been resolved by (thanks @jsaguet!)