Open Jonathan003 opened 2 years ago
oobs program is a console/command-line one, thus you may query books with IDs to see some info in text. This program can't display in a visual way since it is not a GUI. However, you can use other programs:
I tried to make a book with oobs from the games of Magnus Carlsen where he plays withe.
I used this script to create te book oobs -create -in Carlsen_white.png -out Carlsen_white.obs.db3
When I tried to browse the book with Bankia 0.54 beta, I can't see no moves.
Maybe I do something wrong?
I use a Windows 11 64 bit computer.
I have made a video capture of it.
Just a capture photo from your video, the app says it can't find and read from the PGN file.
Can you verify if the PGN file there, or try with a full path (c:...)?
I see what the problem was. There are some typos in the examples given. I just copied the example and changed the name.
Examples: oobs -create -in big.png -out big.obs.db3 oobs -create -in big.png -out big.bin -cpu 4 -o win=3,draw=1,noresult=win oobs -create -in big1.png -in big2.ocgdb.db3 -out allbig.obs.db3 -elo 2100 -hit 5 oobs -in big.obs.db3 -q "K7/N7/k7/8/3p4/8/N7/8 w - - 0 1"
Needs to be
Examples: oobs -create -in big.pgn -out big.obs.db3 oobs -create -in big.pgn -out big.bin -cpu 4 -o win=3,draw=1,noresult=win oobs -create -in big1.pgn -in big2.ocgdb.db3 -out allbig.obs.db3 -elo 2100 -hit 5 oobs -in big.obs.db3 -q "K7/N7/k7/8/3p4/8/N7/8 w - - 0 1"
In Banksia when using the Tree view is it possible to see the moves in short Algebraic notation? For example Nc3 instead of b1c3 If that's not possible I would like to request this.
Nice find. Thanks!
The tree view in BSG has two parts, one is a table and a move list panel. The move list panel is similar to the main move list panel, you may change notations by using Settings. However, the table is to show the origin data from the database. We can edit them but we can't change the notation.
Can I navigate the created books in obs.db3 format somehow? Like you can with polyglot bin books in Scid