nguyenquyhy / DiscordBridge

A Sponge plugin to integrate Minecraft server with a Discord channel
MIT License
31 stars 18 forks source link

Chat Permissions #44

Open Darktilldawn opened 7 years ago

Darktilldawn commented 7 years ago

Need a permission node for minecraft, to block the sending of color'd messages from discord into minecraft. Basically, if you chat in discord to the channel the bot is set up on; you can use &4Hey to send a color'd text in game. Would like to have a permission node to deny that for default players but allow for staff.

Mohron commented 7 years ago

@Darktilldawn Discord accounts are not linked to Minecraft accounts in any way ATM. To impliment this the way you are reqesting would either require 2-way linking or assuming that a Discord name translates to a minecraft player name and checking those permission. Or alternately we could allow enabling/disabling formating codes from Discord to Minecraft via the config by Discord rank (prefered method IMO).

@nguyenquyhy What's your thoughts on this? Do you have a prefered implementation? I think our recently added rank-based configs would support this perfectly.