nguyenquyhy / DiscordBridge

A Sponge plugin to integrate Minecraft server with a Discord channel
MIT License
31 stars 18 forks source link

I got 1 Bot working, but the second doens't want to work #52

Closed SirRicharalar closed 7 years ago

SirRicharalar commented 7 years ago

I followed each step in the read me file, worked for my first server.

I did it all over again, but it doesn't work on my second server. I noticed that the first one had a tag thats not in my roles (discord side).

BigJazzz commented 7 years ago

@SirRicharalar can you post your config here? Strip out access tokens and such, and I can have a look. I had the same issue, and managed to get it working.

Also, /discord reload doesn't work at the moment (it'll be fixed in the next update according to the dev #49 ) so if you haven't restarted your server that'd be why.