nguyenquyhy / DiscordBridge

A Sponge plugin to integrate Minecraft server with a Discord channel
MIT License
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Do I need a new Roles with each discord rank? #77

Open ResqDiver1317 opened 6 years ago

ResqDiver1317 commented 6 years ago

I am trying to set it so all our roles from discord are colored properly into the game side, I have this currently for my config but so far, the only role that is showing the proper color in game is the Administrator. All the others is falling back to the green default color name we are using. Do I need to do "roles": { leading into each rank?

"roles": { "Administrator": { "chatTemplate": "&4%a &7%s", "attachment": { "hoverTemplate": "Click to open attachment.", "allowLink": true } } "Moderator": { "chatTemplate": "&5%a &7%s", "attachment": { "hoverTemplate": "Click to open attachment.", "allowLink": true } } "Premium": { "chatTemplate": "&B%a &7%s", "attachment": { "hoverTemplate": "Click to open attachment.", "allowLink": true } } "Member": { "chatTemplate": "&6%a &7%s", "attachment": { "hoverTemplate": "Click to open attachment.", "allowLink": true } } },

ResqDiver1317 commented 6 years ago

well, that was a paste fail... Lets try this again Here is the full file paste if it helps