nguyenquyhy / Flight-Tracker-StreamDeck

A Stream Deck plugin to interact with Microsoft Flight Simulation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Autopilot doesn´t work correctly (after FS2020 update?) #302

Closed johans1234 closed 2 years ago

johans1234 commented 2 years ago

After a long time not flying with my FS2020, I wanted to make a relaxed flight this evening. Unfortunately, the Autopilot does not work correctly with my stream deck profile. I can not exactly explain what problem I have, because the state is somehow unclear.

example: ALT-Hold doesn´t work all the time and if it works, it doesn´t toggle back after activating

I thing I have updated all pieces since my last flight, so it is hard for me to figure out, which component the issues creates.

nguyenquyhy commented 2 years ago

I'll try to take a look tonight 😥.

nguyenquyhy commented 2 years ago

ALTS works very well for me with the G1000NXi. Both VS and FLT works as expected and hold at the selected altitude. Can you share more details on the aircraft/avionics? Maybe an export of your profile would help too.

johans1234 commented 2 years ago

Just checkt again, but I still have the problems. Actually I prefer the M20R from Carenado and the issues appeared in this plane first, but I have just checked - the issue seems to be with all other planes as well (even I am not very familiar with the systems of them). Directly after lift of, everything works fine, but after some minutes, the ALT function from Autopilot goes crazy.

I use Stream Deck XL with software level Flight Simulator and Carenado plane are up to date.

The profile I use with my M20R is attached.

nguyenquyhy commented 2 years ago

Directly after lift of, everything works fine, but after some minutes, the ALT function from Autopilot goes crazy.

Sound more like a problem of the sim/aircraft than this plugin. Does it goes crazy when you press some buttons, or if you don't use this plugin to set the at all?

Can you please also check if you are using version 0.38 of this plugin?

johans1234 commented 2 years ago

Where can I see the version of the plugin? I could just deintall and reinstall the newest version, but for trouble shooting reasons, I would like to know the currently installed version ;o)

Just made another test flight. Seems that all functions work fine, but ALT. The ALT function can be activated via the stream deck but does not toggle back to off if I press the button on stream deck again. I can switch on and off the ALT function within the virtual cockpit but with the stream deck it works only in one direction (ON).

johans1234 commented 2 years ago

and thank you again for all the effort you put into this brilliant piece of work.

nguyenquyhy commented 2 years ago

You can right click any button of the plugin to see the version. image

I just tested again with the Carenado Seneca (I don't have the Mooney unfortunately), and got the same issue you described. Looks like Asobo changed the way Altitude hold should be triggered. I'll try to figure out if there is a new SimConnect event I should use for ALTS.

johans1234 commented 2 years ago

another thing I just found out - as long I am on the ground and Autopilot is not engaged, the ALT toggle works fine. As soon as I have started and activated the autopilot, the ALT function can´t be toggled to OFF

johans1234 commented 2 years ago

OK, sometimes one is really blind - I am still on version 0.35. Will update immediately, even my issue obviously is not connected to the plugin version.

nguyenquyhy commented 2 years ago

The ALT issue in SU5 is the main reason I don't let everyone autoupdate to 0.38. It's understandable that most will still be on 0.35.

ALT mode in general is quite troublesome though as each avionics in the sim behave slightly differently when we turn on/off this mode.

johans1234 commented 2 years ago

just realized a) even a simple hot key within the simulator doesn`t work for "Autopilot ALT-Hold". b) sometimes - if you didn´t use the stream deck button "ALT-HOLD" or the corresponding hot key within the simulator for some minutes, the toggle works fine (but only once until you wait again for some minutes) c) sometimes - GEAR UP via Stream Deck doesn´t work immediately after lift off. I have to wait a minute or so, than GEAR UP works

This very fuzzy behavior indicates to me, that there obviously is something very wrong within the FS2020.

MSFLYER5856 commented 2 years ago

Ok I'm not going crazy. The Mooney is my favorit plane and I have a mobiflight panel and Stream Deck panel set up with it. The Alt Hold has me searching all over to see if others are having issues also.

The native altitude works using strictly the KAS-297 in the cockpit view. I can program part of it with mobiflights new Carenado M20R events they just added but they left out the KAS-297 VS events.

MSFS has another way to operate the AP ALT/VS via its own native events. So you have 2 ways to operate the AP.

I think asbo or Carenado made a refinement to the KAS-297 making it so using both systems at the same time is buggy and or not using the KAS-297 buttons and knobs is buggy. If I strickly use the KAS-297 and KAS-297 events via mobiflight on my adruino panel, all works well. But if start using the Stream Deck buttons then ALT doesnt allow toggle on/off and the Stream Deck evnts are based on MSFS generic AP.

I would not mind just using my panel but then I have to be in the cockpit to see the changes to ALT as it wont diplay correctly on the SD untill I hit ARM then the correct ALT shows up. But I like flying in chase view and cant see the ALT changing unless Im in the cockpit. So I need to find a way to display the ALT as its changing on the KAS-297 on the Stream Deck. I can get the VS to display as its changing.

So those are the 2 issues I have: 1) ALT Hold toggle not working well or giving proper display and 2) ALT not displaying as it changing and only displayed properly when the ARM button on the KAS-297 is pressed.

I think Carenado is pushing players to be using strictly the KAS-297 for ALT changes and not the other MSFS generic events avaialble.

Great addon BTW and thanks for all your hard work.

For ref. on KAS-297 operation, Ill add this youtube link.

nguyenquyhy commented 2 years ago

Close for now as I am not sure if this is an issue with the sim or the aircraft or not. Maybe it is fixed with SU9.

Please feel free to re-open if it still happen.