nguyenquyhy / Flight-Tracker-StreamDeck

A Stream Deck plugin to interact with Microsoft Flight Simulation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Entering in COM frequency via numpad does not check for 25kHz frequency spacing compliance. #416

Open daneverette opened 6 months ago

daneverette commented 6 months ago

This is most applicable to online flying using ATC networks such as VATSIM, PilotEdge, IVAO, etc.

In 25kHz frequency spacing, ATC will usually only issue a frequency change including the first 2 numbers following the decimal point. If a user enters just the new assigned frequency, FlightTracker does not check compliance with the 25 kHz spacing before sending the new frequency to the sim.

For example, if the new frequency to change to is "135.075", ATC will likely just issue "135.07" as the new frequency. If the user just enters what was assigned "135.07" into FlightTracker, the frequency sent to the sim is "135.070", but should be "135.075". This is particularly important in avionics that only display 2 digits after the decimal point.

This is not an issue with new 8.33kHz frequency spacing in use in Europe, as ATC is required to read all three digits.

Will create a pull request shortly to submit code for checking/modifying COM frequency is conforming to 25 kHz spacing.

daneverette commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately, life events changing, don't have the time to pursue doing a pull request and editing. So, I'll just attach a txt file with the modified code for 25kHz freq checking.

Just have a few edits to the NavComHandlers.cs file.

FlightTracker StreamDeck 25kHz spacing.txt