nguyenquyhy / Flight-Tracker-StreamDeck

A Stream Deck plugin to interact with Microsoft Flight Simulation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Added toggle field to GenericToggle, added a new toggle with 4 actions. #419

Open mithrk opened 5 months ago

mithrk commented 5 months ago

This adds one extra toggle to "Generic Toggle Button", and adds a "Generic Toggle Button 4" with 4 actions.

Useful for example in the TBM 930, where to turn on the landing lights the taxi lights need to be off and the light potentiometers need to be changed from 0 to 100.

Possibly also useful to set takeoff or landing configuration with a single button press.

While this build works for me on the Streamdeck +, I'm not a C# or HTML coder, and this proposal is more a proof of concept. I expect that the implementation is not optimal. A .streamdeck file is available on my branch to test. I've never used git before, but I wanted to share with other simmers. Please judge :)