Open nguyin opened 2 years ago
The description below well explains the diagram above and we believe could benefit some readers. Some may prefer explainations along with diagrams.
Team chose [response.Rejected
Reason for disagreement: As this is in the developer guide, it's meant for developers, hence they will be able to understand the diagram. So since the diagram is so detailed and well drawn, the explanation at the bottom is just a repeat of whatever is drawn on the diagram and really does not value add to anything. But it is a small issue anyways.
Team chose [severity.VeryLow
Originally [severity.Medium
Reason for disagreement: [replace this with your explanation]
The description for the sequence diagrams are quite repetitive as it is just reiterating what is already in the sequence diagram. I feel that there is no need for this description as the sequence diagram has already illustrated this entire portion, making the description repetitive and redundant.