Open sinedied opened 7 years ago
To ensure the commit messages are corectly formated for conventional changelog generation, theses tools could be intersting :
and git-cz
What do you think ?
Yes, you can take also some inspiration in the config used for publishing this package itself. Though the final public is done with semantic-release
which may not be applicable to publish an angular app, that's why I suggested standard-version
Base on this article idea (point 6), I think that support for conventional changelog would be a nice addition and should be proposed as an option or add-on (to be discussed).
Any feedback and propositions welcome here 😃
It's already used in angular and other popular projects, and is a great way in my opinion to maintain changelog for apps. Here is the commit "spec":
script that callstandard-version
to generate changelog, bump version, create a git tag and eventually push it