nh2 / static-haskell-nix

easily build most Haskell programs into fully static Linux executables
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Cannot build `cachix` #15

Closed nomeata closed 5 years ago

nomeata commented 5 years ago

In https://github.com/cachix/cachix/issues/184#issuecomment-473766644 it was suggested that

NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/88ae8f7d.tar.gz nix-build --no-link survey/default.nix -A haskellPackages.cachix

would build a static version of cachix. Unfortunately, it fails here:

~/build/haskell/static-haskell-nix $ NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/88ae8f7d.tar.gz nix-build --no-link survey/default.nix -A haskellPackages.cachix -j8 --builders ''
running tests
Running 2 test suites...
Test suite spec: RUNNING...
[ 6 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.Lens ( src/Data/Swagger/Lens.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/Lens.o )
[ 7 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.SchemaOptions ( src/Data/Swagger/SchemaOptions.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/SchemaOptions.o )
[ 8 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.Internal.ParamSchema ( src/Data/Swagger/Internal/ParamSchema.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/Internal/ParamSchema.o )
[ 9 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.ParamSchema ( src/Data/Swagger/ParamSchema.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/ParamSchema.o )
[10 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.Internal.Schema ( src/Data/Swagger/Internal/Schema.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/Internal/Schema.o )
[11 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.Schema ( src/Data/Swagger/Schema.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/Schema.o )
[12 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.Operation ( src/Data/Swagger/Operation.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/Operation.o )
[13 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.Internal.Schema.Validation ( src/Data/Swagger/Internal/Schema/Validation.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/Internal/Schema/Validation.o )
[14 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.Schema.Validation ( src/Data/Swagger/Schema/Validation.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/Schema/Validation.o )
[15 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger     ( src/Data/Swagger.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger.o )
[ 1 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.Declare ( src/Data/Swagger/Declare.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/Declare.p_o )

src/Data/Swagger/Declare.hs:165:46: warning: [-Wdeprecations]
    In the use of type constructor or class ‘ListT’
    (imported from Control.Monad.List, but defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List):
    Deprecated: "This transformer is invalid on most monads"
165 | instance MonadDeclare d m => MonadDeclare d (ListT m) where
    |                                              ^^^^^
[ 2 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.Internal.AesonUtils ( src/Data/Swagger/Internal/AesonUtils.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/Internal/AesonUtils.p_o )
[ 3 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.Internal.TypeShape ( src/Data/Swagger/Internal/TypeShape.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/Internal/TypeShape.p_o )
[ 4 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.Internal.Utils ( src/Data/Swagger/Internal/Utils.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/Internal/Utils.p_o )
[ 5 of 15] Compiling Data.Swagger.Internal ( src/Data/Swagger/Internal.hs, dist/build/Data/Swagger/Internal.p_o )

  The Auth combinator
    returns a 401 if all authentications are Indefinite
    succeeds if one authentication suceeds
      +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
    fails (403) if one authentication fails
      # PENDING: Authentications don't yet fail, only are Indefinite
    doesn't clobber pre-existing response headers
      +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
      gets the response body
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
      doesn't clobber pre-existing reponse headers
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
    Setting cookies
      sets cookies that it itself accepts
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
      uses the Expiry from the configuration
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
      sets the token cookie as HttpOnly
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
  The Auth combinator
    With XSRF check
      fails if XSRF header and cookie don't match FAILED [1]
      fails with no XSRF header or cookie
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
      succeeds if XSRF header and cookie match, and JWT is valid
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
      sets and clears the right cookies
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
    With no XSRF check for GET requests
      succeeds with no XSRF header or cookie for GET
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
      fails with no XSRF header or cookie for POST
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
    With no XSRF check at all
      succeeds with no XSRF header or cookie for GET
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
      succeeds with no XSRF header or cookie for POST
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
      sets and clears the right cookies
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
  The JWT combinator
    fails if 'aud' does not match predicate
      +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
    succeeds if 'aud' does match predicate FAILED [2]
    fails if 'nbf' is set to a future date
      +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
    fails if 'exp' is set to a past date
      +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
    succeeds if 'exp' is set to a future date
      +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
    fails if JWT is not signed
      +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
    fails if JWT does not use expected algorithm
      # PENDING: Need https://github.com/frasertweedale/hs-jose/issues/19
    fails if data is not valid JSON
    suceeds as wreq's oauth2Bearer
      +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
    works for plain values
    works for function types
      +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
  The BasicAuth combinator
    succeeds with the correct password and username
    fails with non-existent user
    fails with incorrect password
    fails with no auth header


  1) Servant.Auth.Server, The Auth combinator, With XSRF check, fails if XSRF header and cookie don't match
       Falsifiable (after 73 tests):
         User {name = "o~8fr\SOIB\7288\ETXr\594666.x\936020HF@\943883I\260569Sf=\305132U\ESC|\321218\&7\675297\1065722}\334695\feI6\322731{\50885~~\DEL\\\341886\RS\878266g\874217\1065911\v\RS\723836i\697751\963120i\ACK\374486K\997076", _id = "^\585134\831983zqkJ\DC4R G\NAK\435941%\r\vRJ\535080)6N\SI\264671\385762$+}#\452437_AV\ETX\1085042\NUL\SOH`M\1046392\1036372\189890\445035\SUB&n%!\451181yU\\\ETB\293643"}
       predicate failed on expected exception: HttpException (HttpExceptionRequest Request {
         host                 = "localhost"
         port                 = 38215
         secure               = False
         requestHeaders       = [("Cookie","TheyDinedOnMince=blerg; RuncibleSpoon=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXQiOnsiX2lkIjoiXvKOtq7zi4evenFrSlx1MDAxNFIgR1x1MDAxNfGqm6UlXHJcdTAwMGJSSvKCqKgpNk5cdTAwMGbxgKef8Z6LoiQrfSPxrp2VX0FWXHUwMDAz9Ii5slx1MDAwMFx1MDAwMWBN87-duPO9gZTwrpeC8aypq1x1MDAxYSZuJSHxromteVVcXFx1MDAxN_GHrIsiLCJuYW1lIjoib344ZnJcdTAwMGVJQuGxuFx1MDAwM3LykYuqLnjzpKGUSEZA86aci0nwv6eZU2Y98YqfrFVcdTAwMWJ88Y6bgjfypLeh9ISLun3xka2nXHUwMDBjZUk28Y6yq3vsm4V-fn9cXPGTnb5cdTAwMWXzlpq6Z_OVm6n0hI63XHUwMDBiXHUwMDFl8rCtvGnyqpaX86uIsGlcdTAwMDbxm5uWS_Ozm5QifX0.rxoQ5jx5YSE14jcs12OUQWXnAf9fTFI3rmcwHug2a9k"),("AndSlicesOfQuince","blah"),("User-Agent","haskell wreq-")]
         path                 = "/"
         queryString          = ""
         method               = "GET"
         proxy                = Nothing
         rawBody              = False
         redirectCount        = 10
         responseTimeout      = ResponseTimeoutDefault
         requestVersion       = HTTP/1.1
        (InternalException Network.Socket.recvBuf: resource vanished (Connection reset by peer)))

  To rerun use: --match "/Servant.Auth.Server/The Auth combinator/With XSRF check/fails if XSRF header and cookie don't match/"

  2) Servant.Auth.Server, The JWT combinator, succeeds if 'aud' does match predicate
       uncaught exception: HttpException
       HttpExceptionRequest Request {
         host                 = "localhost"
         port                 = 36609
         secure               = False
         requestHeaders       = [("Authorization","<REDACTED>"),("User-Agent","haskell wreq-")]
         path                 = "/"
         queryString          = ""
         method               = "GET"
         proxy                = Nothing
         rawBody              = False
         redirectCount        = 10
         responseTimeout      = ResponseTimeoutDefault
         requestVersion       = HTTP/1.1
        (InternalException Network.Socket.recvBuf: resource vanished (Connection reset by peer))
       (after 72 tests)
         User {name = "{i\DC22)>", _id = "\648735\931178Y7gi\311350\ENQ\FSN\ENQK6\137112\r\287965\439247\961389\242656\1072694\&9`S\r:t'h/V~rT\727610E\DC2\SOH\NULL\SI\EOT#\SYNz\fi:Tq[awDC\EOT\872054\554206l_3_"}

  To rerun use: --match "/Servant.Auth.Server/The JWT combinator/succeeds if 'aud' does match predicate/"

Randomized with seed 1298701833

Finished in 61.8818 seconds
33 examples, 2 failures, 2 pending
Test suite spec: FAIL
Test suite logged to: dist/test/servant-auth-server-
Test suite readme: RUNNING...
Test suite readme: PASS
Test suite logged to: dist/test/servant-auth-server-
1 of 2 test suites (1 of 2 test cases) passed.
builder for '/nix/store/82nll6705z1hw05g4afp4427nr510i5z-servant-auth-server-' failed with exit code 1
nomeata commented 5 years ago

Hmm, the number of test failures of servant-auth-server vary from run to run. Probably a problem with upstream's test suite being not very robust. Likely https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-auth/issues/115.

nomeata commented 5 years ago

Indeed, this is just https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-auth/issues/115 and just retrying the build in a loop eventually made it build cachix!