nhatfield / hnt_monitor

Produce metrics from miner apis and the Helium blockchain. We can use the metrics to diagnose, alert, and prevent poor mining performance.
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invalid IPv4 address #91

Open tommy1735 opened 2 years ago

tommy1735 commented 2 years ago

i saw there is a closed issue with the same error:

Step 9/9 : ENTRYPOINT ["./entrypoint"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e05d02cdda97
Successfully built e05d02cdda97
Successfully tagged hnt_monitor:latest
Recreating 992ae87577fa_prometheus ...
Recreating 6c8e55c4bf64_grafana                ... error
Recreating 5b1c29c87d20_prometheus_pushgateway ...

Recreating 992ae87577fa_prometheus             ... error

ERROR: for 5b1c29c87d20_prometheus_pushgateway  Cannot create container for service prometheus_pushgateway: invalid IPv4 address:

ERROR: for 992ae87577fa_prometheus  Cannot create container for service prometheus: invalid IPv4 address:

ERROR: for grafana  Cannot create container for service grafana: invalid IPv4 address:

ERROR: for prometheus_pushgateway  Cannot create container for service prometheus_pushgateway: invalid IPv4 address:

ERROR: for prometheus  Cannot create container for service prometheus: invalid IPv4 address:
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

in the closed issue someone say it caused by version of docker but i use the latest:

root@store:/home/steam/hnt_monitor-7.10.0# docker --version
Docker version 20.10.16, build aa7e414
ubiru commented 2 years ago

edit all the ip addresses in your hnt_monitor.yml file. For some reasons, after upgrade the docker to latest version, it doesn't like the .0x ip address. So for example, instead of using the default, change it to Hope that helps. Cause it happened to me too a week ago.