nhibernate / NHibernate.JetDriver

Jet Driver for NHibernate
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Incorrect result after GenerateCommand with formula property and left outer joins #13

Open boozerxxl opened 7 years ago

boozerxxl commented 7 years ago

Hello all,

I am using JetDriver for MsAccess on Net 4.5 and with NHibernate I need some help to clarify why the following SQL text is post-processed incorrectly by JetDriver's ConnectionProvider.Driver.GenerateCommand(). I think it is related to the formula property I have, without it all is ok.

<property name="CutCount" type="System.Int32" formula="(SELECT COUNT(CuttingPart.ID) FROM CuttingPart WHERE CuttingPart.PartID = ID)"/>

NHibernate generated SQL passed to AbstractBatcher.Generate method (correct)

    this_.ID as ID42_4_, 
    this_.Title as Title42_4_, 
    this_.Length as Length42_4_, 
        (SELECT COUNT(CuttingPart.ID) FROM CuttingPart WHERE CuttingPart.PartID = this_.ID) as formula1_4_, 
        o2_.ID as ID40_0_, 
        o2_.Title as Title40_0_, 
        m1_.ID as ID16_1_, 
        m1_.Title as Title16_1_, 
        pc3_.PartID as PartID6_, 
        pc3_.ID as ID6_, 
        pcv4_.ContourID as ContourID7_, 
        pcv4_.ID as ID7_, 
        pcv4_.ID as ID50_3_, 
        pcv4_.[Type] as column2_50_3_, 
        pcv4_.XM as XM50_3_, 
        pcv4_.YM as YM50_3_, 
        pcv4_.Radius as Radius50_3_, 
FROM Part this_ 
        left outer join AppOrder o2_ on this_.AppOrderID=o2_.ID 
        left outer join Material m1_ on this_.MaterialID=m1_.ID 
        left outer join Contour pc3_ on this_.ID=pc3_.PartID 
        left outer join ContourValue pcv4_ on pc3_.ID=pcv4_.ContourID 
        this_.IsArchived = 0 
ORDER BY pcv4_.PointIndex asc

Jet Driver result after its _factory.ConnectionProvider.Driver.GenerateCommand

    this_.ID as ID42_4_, 
    this_.Title as Title42_4_, 
    this_.Length as Length42_4_, 
    (SELECT COUNT(CuttingPart.ID) from CuttingPart WHERE CuttingPart.PartID = this_.ID) as formula1_4_,
    o2_.ID as ID40_0_, 
    o2_.Title as Title40_0_, 
    m1_.ID as ID16_1_, 
    m1_.Title as Title16_1_, 
    pc3_.PartID as PartID6_, 
    pc3_.ID as ID6_, 
    pcv4_.ContourID as ContourID7_, 
    pcv4_.ID as ID7_, 
    pcv4_.ID as ID50_3_, 
    pcv4_.[Type] as column2_50_3_, 
    pcv4_.XM as XM50_3_, 
    pcv4_.YM as YM50_3_, 
    pcv4_.Radius as Radius50_3_,
        -- from here I have incorrect SQL text
        (select * from  
    ((( pcv4_.ContourID as ContourID50_3_ FROM Part this_
    left outer join AppOrder o2_ on this_.AppOrderID=o2_.ID) 
    left outer join Material m1_ on this_.MaterialID=m1_.ID) 
    left outer join Contour pc3_ on this_.ID=pc3_.PartID) 
    left outer join ContourValue pcv4_ on pc3_.ID=pcv4_.ContourID 

    this_.IsArchived = 0) as jetJoinAlias29 

ORDER BY pcv4_.PointIndex asc

Is it a known problem ? Could you please give me a hint about a possible workaround if any? Thanks a lot.

boozerxxl commented 7 years ago

I looked at the sources. I suppose FinalizeJoins() works incorrectly if there are nested SELECT FROM in the query (as the formula does) because FinalizeJoins() doesn't properly determine From-Where clauses indices in the sql string with IndexOfCaseInsensitive() in this case.

A simple fix is to use LastIndexOfCaseInsensitive in this case to skip the nested queries. It resolves my issue but I am not sure if it is correct in all possible cases.

fredericDelaporte commented 7 years ago

Your issue wording is a mix of bug report and support request. Better write it only as a bug report, if you intend it to be a bug report. For support request, better go on nh user group or Stack Overflow.