nhl / link-move

A model-driven dynamically-configurable framework to acquire data from external sources and save it to your database.
Apache License 2.0
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Listener methods not inherited #151

Closed atomashpolskiy closed 2 years ago

atomashpolskiy commented 6 years ago

com.nhl.link.move.runtime.task.ListenersBuilder#doStageListener processes java.lang.Class#getDeclaredMethods, which do not include inherited methods. I'd like to know, if this is an intended behavior, and, if not, whether it would be difficult to change it? Thanks!

andrus commented 6 years ago

I'd be fine if we include inherited methods.

Long term though I'd like to do away with annotations , and move to lambda-based stage listeners similar to LinkRest (which is much cleaner and easier to use)

andrus commented 2 years ago

Planning to move to lambda-based APIs per #197. So closing this one.