nhn / tui.calendar

🍞📅A JavaScript calendar that has everything you need.
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2.0: Get ready with modules, imports and conditional exports #552

Open dilyanpalauzov opened 4 years ago

dilyanpalauzov commented 4 years ago

My understanding is that there will be TUI Calendar 2.0, the development happens on the feat/2.0 branch and per https://ui.toast.com/weekly-pick/en_20190829/ there will be ES6 modules. package.json contains "module": "dist/esm" but the repository does not contain dist/esm.

dist/esm/tui-calendar.es6.js is currently not very ES6-like, it lacks export and import keywords.

NodeJS ignores "module" from package.json. To load an ES6 module with import {X, Y} from 'tui-calendar' package.json must contain conditional exports: "exports": {"import":"dist/tui-calendar.es6.js", "require": "dist/tui-calendar.js"}.

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dilyanpalauzov commented 4 years ago

Do I understand correctly, that calling the “build:esm” script is supposed to generate JavaScript 2015 code, that does not use modules, but is a single file? And the “build:es6” is about creating many files that use modules (as opposed to a single ES6 file-module, containing everything)?

If I compare with bootstrap (5/master), its “js” npm script creates just one big ES6-module script (and some other forms of the same data: with popper integrated, without popper integrated, minified/maximied, ES5 and ES6), but not many files that are all separate ES6-modules in dist/js.

dongsik-yoo commented 4 years ago

@dilyanpalauzov "build:esm" script is supposed to generate es6 modules corresponding typescript files. But dist/esm folder will not b e in a repository, but in npm repository.

dilyanpalauzov commented 4 years ago

I still do not understand what the purpose of generating tui-calendar.es6.js is. It has no import/export and therefore uses no modules and therefore is not ES6. Who is going to load that version instead of the ES6-modules version, provided that the caller has funnctional ES6 system?

On the other side, my current understanding is that ES6-module-capable Node handles the (conditional) "exports" in package.json, while the ES6-capable bundler reads "module"

dongsik-yoo commented 4 years ago

tui-calendar.js and tui-calendar.es6.js are bundled as UMD. The differenence is transpiling it or not. tui-calendar.es6.js contains ES6 source code which is not transpiled to ES5. ES6 modules of "build:esm" has ES6-modules and ES6 source code.

dilyanpalauzov commented 4 years ago

Who will need ES6 code delivered as UMD? The purpose of ES6 (and its modules) is to replace UMD.

dongsik-yoo commented 4 years ago

tui-calendar.es6.js will be less than tui-calendar.js despite of as UMD. Someone needs lighter library with only evergreen browsers not IE. Someone needs ES Modules to use tree-shaking on purpose.

dilyanpalauzov commented 4 years ago

My reading is, that build:es6 generates ES6 code that does not use modules for IE11, and build:esm generates ES6 code that use modules.

Per https://caniuse.com/#search=modules IE 11 does not support modules.

Per https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/ IE 11 does support some ES6 features, class and rest parameters being not implemented.

The generated tui-calendar.es6.js contains class day_Day extends calendarControl_CalendarControl { (line 4834) and fire(eventName, ...args) { (line 1317). So this file cannot be used for IE 11.

Who is going to use tui-calendar.es6.js instead of the ES6-modules?

dongsik-yoo commented 4 years ago

Do you mean build:es6 is not necessary?

dilyanpalauzov commented 4 years ago

Yes, the modules output is sufficient. Whoever needs ES5 or anything else can transpile.

dilyanpalauzov commented 4 years ago

Rather a single-ES6 module file is necessary, that contains everything in a module, which file can be included in a single script type='module' tag.

For the record I started recently working with JS and I do everything with modules from the beginning. I have no experience with legacy projects transpiling from modules.