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paste from Excel to tui grid issue #1633

Open Hyeok-su opened 2 years ago

Hyeok-su commented 2 years ago

When pasting formatted text from excel, strange characters are entered as data along with it.

Since I only accept numbers, I processed it with a regular expression on 'afterChange' function, but could you please check this issue?

Thank you.

jajugoguma commented 2 years ago

@Hyeok-su Sorry for late reply. What do strange characters mean? Can you give an example?

Hyeok-su commented 2 years ago

@Hyeok-su Sorry for late reply. What do strange characters mean? Can you give an example?

For example,

  1. format cells and select Accounting.
  2. Enter the number (ex. 123456789)
  3. Copy data from excel(Excel 2016)
  4. Paste to grid(tui-gridV2.20.0)
  5. some strange characters in grid cell data



In javascript,  <<< this character is added.

jajugoguma commented 2 years ago

@Hyeok-su It is not a bug. If you copy a cell that applied formatted text, the excel copy formatted text to clipboard. So the grid doesn't know if the text is original or formatted text.

stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as inactive because there hasn’t been much going on it lately. It is going to be closed after 7 days. Thanks!