nhn / tui.grid

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How to get Renderer data? #1957

Open YoungHoonZo opened 11 months ago

YoungHoonZo commented 11 months ago

HI~ Version v4.21.15

I make file input Renderer But, I don't know how to get the renderer files data. this renderer source. ` class FileRenderer constructor(props) { const el = document.createElement('input'); const {accept} = props.columnInfo.renderer.options; el.type = 'file'; el.accept = _.isNull(accept)?"*":accept el.addEventListener("change", (ev) => { let files = ev.target.files console.log("FileRenderer", files) }, false); this.el = el this.render(props) } getElement() { console.log("getElement", this.el) return this.el; } render(props) { this.el.value = props.value } }


column script: { header: "찾아보기", width:300, name: 'promotionImg', renderer: { type: FileRenderer, options: { accept: "image/*" } } },

i try to grid.getData() but promotionImg column is null

toomanylogins commented 8 months ago

I have the same problem trying to render a url. Nothing is returned to the browser. Did you resolve this ?

YoungHoonZo commented 8 months ago

I have the same problem trying to render a url. Nothing is returned to the browser. Did you resolve this ?

Not yet. But, I called the dialog and uploaded the file. And internally we decided not to use TUI Grid.