nhn / tui.grid

🍞🔡 The Powerful Component to Display and Edit Data. Experience the Ultimate Data Transformer!
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rowHeaders checkbox is wrong #1973

Open junghee00 opened 9 months ago

junghee00 commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug i use @toast-ui/react-grid@4.21.17

this is my code

<Grid ref={gridRef} data={data} header={header} columns={columns1} scrollX={false} scrollY={false} rowHeight={25} bodyHeight={100} align={"center"} heightResizable={true} rowHeaders={["rowNum","checkBox"]} editingEvent= {'click'} />

result is <th class="tui-grid-cell tui-grid-cell-header" colspan="1" rowspan="1" style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 90px;">&lt;input type="checkbox" name="_checked" /&gt;<input type="checkbox" name="_checked"></th>

<> is loaded '&gt' in jsx


스크린샷 2023-10-25 오후 3 34 51

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