nhn / tui.grid

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when setValue is called, _attributes is lost #1976

Open seho-dev opened 9 months ago

seho-dev commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug When setValue is called, _attributes is lost

To Reproduce I tried to add row to the last row of the table

              _attributes: {
                // 由于组件没有colspan功能,用样式去伪装一个colspan效果
                className: {
                  row: ['not-click-row'],
                  column: {
                    发行规模: ['border'],
                    当前余额: ['border'],

Then I expect to change the value of a column in the last row

    gridData[gridData.length - 1].rowKey,

When fetching data again at this point


It will be noticed that the customized _attributes are missing and a default _attributes will be displayed

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

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