nhoad / missing-movie-viewer

A plugin for XBMC that displays content not present in the library.
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Missing Movie Viewer Contextmenu entry Movieinformation not working #1

Open x23piracy opened 13 years ago

x23piracy commented 13 years ago


it's not possible to trigger Movieinformation from the Contextmenu of a mising movie entry to manual scrape it and have it entered to the db. Would be a pain to write done the hole list until its exportable and the manually find any missing movie in the hole list to add it manually.

Would be nice if you can fix that the context menu fully work.

Greetz X23

spiffyp commented 12 years ago

It would be awesome if the context menu would work. It's a lovely start to an amazing (and very much needed) app. But unless it allows you to scrape from the list, I don't see that there's much point unfortunately. Alphabetizing the list would also be great.