nhok0169 / Anime-Game-Remap

Anime Game Remap/Fix/Convert
Apache License 2.0
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[5.1] [8.0.3] [4.0.0] JeanSea Barefoot mod not working properly #90

Open MrARK5 opened 1 month ago

MrARK5 commented 1 month ago


Provide a description that is worded well enough to be understood

I want to use a JeanSea mod on Default Jean. But the character becomes an octopus image

Alex-Au1 commented 1 month ago

To be honest, I probably know what mod you are referring to: https://gamebanana.com/mods/475305

But I know that the fix works for other JeanSea mods: https://gamebanana.com/mods/518408 https://gamebanana.com/mods/494278

This is most likely a problem with the mod itself. Im not a modder, but this is just a hunch. I think the modder may have reordered the vertex group indices for JeanSea's foot, when they were trying to remove JeanSea's sandals in the Blend.buf file, which causes an incorrect remap.

I know that @nhok0169 may be a bit more familiar with this, so @nhok0169, do you have anything to add?

MrARK5 commented 1 month ago

so some mods wont work got it. btw thank you so much i can finally use mods on story quests (CN ones)

nhok0169 commented 1 month ago

this error may come from the cn skin because base skin and cn skin have some different vg on some locate. this can be fix by base mod or our script. for exam on base jean skin the foot vg may same with the ankle part of cn skin so that why we have octopus picture. also maybe that mod didnt fill missing vg so our script maybe fail when convert vg. can you check by remover unused vg and try convert skin @Alex-Au1

Alex-Au1 commented 4 weeks ago

@nhok0169 Seems like you are on the right track about missing indices,

JeanSea is supposed to only have 85 indices (from 0 - 84), but this modder apparently added 5 extra indices into their model. Im guessing these extra indices is their attempt to remove JeanSea's sandals.

The extra indices are: [95, 99, 101, 118, 122]

Alex-Au1 commented 4 weeks ago

If the modder only just added those 5 indices, then it would still be possible to fix up the mod, but I think they also changed up the other existing indices

eg. index 37 on JeanSea is supposed to map to her right calf, but apparently the modder changed it to be somewhere for her left leg instead

Trying to find the right permutation of indices without the modder's blender file would be basically finding a needle in a haystack.

Alex-Au1 commented 4 weeks ago

Though, I know that like 99% of mods don't change up the indices of the original model.