nholthaus / units

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`operator==` can lead to UB #118

Open JohelEGP opened 6 years ago

JohelEGP commented 6 years ago

The list I'm making was getting long, so I decided to break off some issues that are better off by themselves.

A recent r/cpp post https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/8gfhq3/when_the_compiler_bites/ touches on some points about floating-point arithmetic and comparisons, which leads me to believe that the current implementation of operator== for floating point values, which uses epsilon values, should be reimplemented to be as simple as the operator== for integral values. As it is, it can make using std::set<units::meter_t> UB because it breaks the transitivity requirement of the Compare argument.

nholthaus commented 6 years ago

You're not wrong, but this falls into the "it works the way I want it to" category.

Many conversions are not transitive (e.g. dBW -> W -> dBW), and a lot of trig identities are broken (sin(pi) == 0) without using an epsilon compare. So you're forced to choose between supporting the identity, or transitivity, and my opinion is that it's more important for usability to support identity. std::set<double> may be well-defined, but honestly would you wouldn't do this:

std::set<double> s;
double someDouble = ...; // something that could/should be 0
    // probably not going to work as expected...

Additionally, the epsilon for equality isn't arbitrary, it's well chosen to suite the underlying type.

There are arbitrary epsilons in the code though (look into the unit sqrt calculations). I don't like it, but it's a better alternative than having most conversions fail from recursive depth limits or integer overflow.

JohelEGP commented 6 years ago

Very well. Might I suggest documenting the use of epsilon in the comparisons?

chiphogg commented 2 years ago

I came here to file this exact issue after getting bitten by this behaviour. Can we reconsider the wontfix label?

It's well and good to have an "approximately-equal" function, but we should give it a different name. If operator== doesn't create equivalence classes, that's a pretty significant violation of users' expectations. It also leads to undefined behaviour (!), as @JohelEGP has pointed out.

Users who work with floating point values should know not to compare the results of arithmetic using exact equality: this is one of the most basic rules for working with floating point values. As to some of the specific examples given above:

To sum up: I think the operator== you've provided is a really useful tool---I love how it takes care of a reasonable epsilon for the user! I just think it's important not to give it the operator== name.