nholthaus / units

a compile-time, header-only, dimensional analysis and unit conversion library built on c++14 with no dependencies.
MIT License
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Enhancement request #169

Open kunaltyagi opened 6 years ago

kunaltyagi commented 6 years ago

I've been poking and prodding this library and it has a lot of features that are hidden to the user by mentioning them in the passing (or in the extended documentation, which unfortunately doesn't cover all basis mostly because it is generated via doxygen).

Also, abbreviation is a bit long, can we support abbv or abbrv? I frequently end up making spelling errors :smile: though Clang is a nice compiler.

Most of these things are trivial (except the third point) but I'm looking at how I can easily entice my co-workers into using this library.

I hope this gets standardized just like the date library.

JohelEGP commented 6 years ago

There's work towards the third point in #150, thought it's between many other changes. I'm thinking of splitting them out to other PRs. This is the syntax.

I've been thinking of generating the doxygen documentation to confirm what's documented and how, and submit PR for improvements towards the completion of 3.0.0. And similarly for updating the README. Now I think I should do that before and regularly.

kunaltyagi commented 6 years ago

That's really great news (I was dreading pt. 3)

Anyway I can help?

nholthaus commented 6 years ago

yeah the documentation is not the greatest, mostly because I suck at writing it. We've also gone through several compiler versions and c++11 -> c++17, so the docs have a little bit of all that syntax sprinkled around instead of being consistent with the latest best practices.

I think from a technical standpoint v3 is in pretty good shape, however the doc update is going to be the key driver for when it gets released. Patching it to be more useful to a new user would be really helpful (it's a mindset I can't really get into at this point). If that's not your cup of tea, keep writing issues telling us where the manual needs work.