nhost / hasura-auth

Authentication for Hasura.
MIT License
372 stars 110 forks source link

chore: nodejs: remove migrated endpoints #537

Closed dbarrosop closed 4 days ago

dbarrosop commented 1 week ago

PR Type

Enhancement, Other


Changes walkthrough ๐Ÿ“

Relevant files
22 files
Remove OpenAPI route and clean up middleware usage             

  • Removed the import and usage of addOpenApiRoute.
  • Cleaned up middleware and route usage.
  • +0/-3     
    Remove OpenAPI route setup and schema definitions               

  • Deleted the entire file which contained OpenAPI route setup and schema
  • +0/-119 
    Remove OpenAPI response models                                                     

  • Deleted the entire file which contained response models for OpenAPI
  • +0/-66   
    Remove PAT and sign-up routes                                                       

    src/routes/index.ts - Removed imports and usage of `patRouter` and `signUpRouter`.
    Remove Personal Access Token (PAT) route                                 

  • Deleted the entire file which contained the Personal Access Token
    (PAT) route.
  • +0/-26   
    Remove PAT handler and schema                                                       

  • Deleted the entire file which contained the handler and schema for
    creating PATs.
  • +0/-66   
    Remove email-password sign-in handler and schema                 

  • Deleted the entire file which contained the email-password sign-in
    handler and schema.
  • +0/-55   
    Remove email-password, PAT, and passwordless email sign-in routes

  • Removed imports and usage of email-password, PAT, and passwordless
    email sign-in handlers and schemas.
  • +0/-53   
    Remove passwordless email sign-in handler and schema         

  • Deleted the entire file which contained the passwordless email sign-in
    handler and schema.
  • +0/-134 
    Remove passwordless email sign-in export                                 

    src/routes/signin/passwordless/index.ts - Removed export of passwordless email sign-in.
    Remove PAT sign-in handler and schema                                       

  • Deleted the entire file which contained the PAT sign-in handler and
  • +0/-60   
    Remove email-password sign-up handler and schema                 

  • Deleted the entire file which contained the email-password sign-up
    handler and schema.
  • +0/-54   
    Remove sign-up routes                                                                       

    src/routes/signup/index.ts - Deleted the entire file which contained the sign-up routes.
    Remove WebAuthn sign-up and verification exports                 

    src/routes/signup/webauthn/index.ts - Removed exports for WebAuthn sign-up and verification.
    Remove WebAuthn sign-up handler and schema                             

  • Deleted the entire file which contained the WebAuthn sign-up handler
    and schema.
  • +0/-82   
    Remove WebAuthn sign-up verification handler and schema   

  • Deleted the entire file which contained the WebAuthn sign-up
    verification handler and schema.
  • +0/-162 
    Remove token refresh route                                                             

    src/routes/token/index.ts - Removed import and usage of token refresh handler and schema.
    Remove user deanonymize handler and schema                             

  • Deleted the entire file which contained the user deanonymize handler
    and schema.
  • +0/-53   
    Remove user email change handler and schema                           

  • Deleted the entire file which contained the user email change handler
    and schema.
  • +0/-112 
    Remove user email change and verification exports               

  • Removed exports for user email change and send verification email
  • +0/-2     
    Remove user email send verification email handler and schema

  • Deleted the entire file which contained the user email send
    verification email handler and schema.
  • +0/-106 
    Remove user email, password reset, and deanonymize routes

  • Removed imports and usage of user email change, send verification
    email, password reset, and deanonymize handlers and schemas.
  • +0/-73   

    ๐Ÿ’ก PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 week ago

    PR Reviewer Guide ๐Ÿ”

    โฑ๏ธ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4
    ๐Ÿงช Relevant tests No
    ๐Ÿ”’ Security concerns No
    โšก Key issues to review Possible Bug:
    The removal of OpenAPI route setup and related schema definitions could lead to undocumented API endpoints. Ensure that the API documentation is updated or maintained elsewhere if necessary.
    Dependency Check:
    Ensure that no other parts of the application depend on the removed OpenAPI setup or the removed routes. This includes any front-end components or external systems that might be using these endpoints.
    Configuration Changes:
    The removal of environment variables and configurations related to the removed features should be verified to ensure they are no longer needed or referenced elsewhere in the application.
    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 week ago

    PR Code Suggestions โœจ

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Add error handling middleware to improve application robustness ___ **Consider adding a fallback or error handling middleware for the routes. This can help
    manage errors that are not caught within the route handlers, improving the robustness of
    the application.** [src/routes/index.ts [28-34]](https://github.com/nhost/hasura-auth/pull/537/files#diff-4c1a276a826a5147689418cdbf9bde24c8326cedb30a61144fe7867bd99113efR28-R34) ```diff router.use(signInRouter); router.use(signOutRouter); router.use(elevateRouter); router.use(userRouter); router.use(mfaRouter); router.use(tokenRouter); router.use(verifyRouter); +router.use(errorHandlingMiddleware); // Add this line ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Adding error handling middleware is a good practice to catch unhandled errors and improve the robustness of the application. This suggestion is contextually accurate and enhances the new code introduced in the PR.
    Possible issue
    Ensure alternative authentication methods are provided after removing some sign-in methods ___ **Since the email-password and passwordless email sign-in methods have been removed, ensure
    that there is a clear migration path or alternative authentication methods provided to
    users to prevent access issues.** [src/routes/signin/index.ts [6-15]](https://github.com/nhost/hasura-auth/pull/537/files#diff-26afd2e4ccfcac5d8a5fdbd1312ac77bfa6d2269f06b7180b4ca75c8d523d642R6-R15) ```diff import { signInAnonymousHandler, signInAnonymousSchema } from './anonymous'; import { signInMfaTotpHandler, signInMfaTotpSchema } from './mfa'; import { signInPasswordlessSmsHandler, signInPasswordlessSmsSchema, } from './passwordless'; import { signInOtpHandler, signInOtpSchema } from './passwordless/sms/otp'; import { signInVerifyWebauthnHandler, signInVerifyWebauthnSchema, } from './webauthn'; +// Consider adding alternative methods here or ensure migration is handled ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: The suggestion correctly identifies the removal of certain authentication methods and advises ensuring alternative methods or migration paths. This is important for maintaining user access and preventing issues.
    Re-add or ensure coverage for user email change and verification functionalities ___ **It appears that the user email change and send verification email functionalities have
    been removed. If these features are still needed, consider re-adding them or ensuring that
    their functionality is covered elsewhere in the application.** [src/routes/user/index.ts [7-16]](https://github.com/nhost/hasura-auth/pull/537/files#diff-14d43bc8570c6586d8a64c92ea9fe4ddd2a6fd85db68a8d0de8f7292c1476f36R7-R16) ```diff import { userMFAHandler, userMfaSchema } from './mfa'; import { userHandler } from './user'; import { userPasswordHandler, userPasswordSchema } from './password'; import { userProviderTokensHandler, userProviderTokensSchema, } from './provider-tokens'; import { addSecurityKeyHandler, addSecurityKeyVerifyHandler, } from './security-keys'; +// Re-add or ensure coverage for user email change and verification ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: The suggestion highlights the removal of important user functionalities and advises ensuring these features are covered elsewhere. This is crucial for user management and maintaining application functionality.
    Consider re-adding the token refresh endpoint if still required ___ **The removal of the token refresh endpoint could lead to issues with token management. If
    token refreshing is still required, consider re-adding this endpoint or providing a new
    mechanism for token management.** [src/routes/token/index.ts [3-7]](https://github.com/nhost/hasura-auth/pull/537/files#diff-c2bb5010a945faf6edfb700cde9fd283e19df6130afda9c2264e83b70267304cR3-R7) ```diff import { asyncWrapper as aw } from '@/utils'; import { bodyValidator } from '@/validation'; import { verifyTokenHandler, verifyTokenSchema } from './verify'; +import { tokenHandler, tokenSchema } from './token'; // Re-add this if needed const router = Router(); ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: The suggestion correctly points out the potential issues with token management due to the removal of the token refresh endpoint. Re-adding this endpoint or providing an alternative mechanism is important for maintaining secure and efficient token management.