nhs-r-community / NHSRplotthedots

An SPC package to support NHSE/I 'Making Data Count' programme
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Add a vignette detailing the screen outliers default and mirroring excel output #90

Closed ThomUK closed 3 years ago

ThomUK commented 3 years ago

The screen_outliers default is going to be set to TRUE, which is different to the behaviour of the #plotthedots excel tool, and SQL tool.

Write a vignette to detail the behaviour, and demonstrates the settings to be used by a user wanting to remain completely faithful to the calculation methods of the excel tool.

Originally posted by @tomjemmett in https://github.com/nhs-r-community/NHSRplotthedots/issues/81#issuecomment-926095939 @ThomUK - would you be interested in some of the documentation for this? That could be a separate issue that is ticked off after this is merged. I’m likely not going to have enough capacity to work on this project for next few weeks

tomjemmett commented 3 years ago

reference needed in the vignette (thanks to @johnmackintosh):

[1]: Nelson, LS, 'Shewhart charts for Individual Measurements" Journal of Quality Technology, 1982, i3, 172-173