nhs-r-community / demos-and-how-tos

A repo for community contributed demos and how-tos to get common stuff done in the R language
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missing contributor guidelines #30

Closed tomjemmett closed 1 year ago

tomjemmett commented 2 years ago

this repo is missing contributor guidelines

harrietrs commented 2 years ago

@tomjemmett does #33 resolve this issue? Conscious you wrote "guidelines"- did you mean how-tos? Or were you talking about criteria contributions should meet? (e.g. GDS-style- probs a bit over-engineered for us?)

tomjemmett commented 2 years ago

I think #33 does a good job of the how to contribute, but we probably should have something like what you linked to. I think other repo's in NHS-R have used contributor-covenant.org - not sure what others think?

ChrisBeeley commented 2 years ago

Really and truly we should have a generic one I suppose. Which repo does it best at the moment, anyone know?

Lextuga007 commented 2 years ago

We do need contributing guidelines and looking at RStudio/Posit:


They have a few parts to it but not as detailed as the example @harrietrs has shared (but thank you as that's a great link which some parts will be very useful too I think):

And on Code of Conduct we need to have slightly different ones for events and communication channels like Slack and I really like the ones outlined by the Bristol Data Ethics Club:


They also have a contributing page too: https://dataethicsclub.com/contents/join_in/contributing.html

We need to have this across all repositories in one form or another so I wonder if it's best to have a single repository (in assets for example) or a repo that can be built into it's own site - like Bristol Data Ethics Club have done - with links to the specific pages? That would make it accessible for those who are going to events and perhaps not that familiar yet with GitHub.

Lextuga007 commented 2 years ago

Also worthy of note, either to help with this or to feedback to NHS Pycom who have https://nhs-pycom.net/code_of_conduct/ but I can't find the same as a CONTRIBUTING.md on their GitHub https://github.com/nhs-pycom. I'll prompt a conversation about this in their Slack.

Lextuga007 commented 2 years ago

Not quite the same but I love this email notification on the Data Hazards repository for an out of office - https://github.com/very-good-science/data-hazards/blob/main/.github/workflows/out-of-office.yml. We should have something on our repositories to say thank you for the contributions 😃

craig-shenton commented 2 years ago

Ah, thanks for pointing that out Zoe. I did include a very generic section in the website readme (copied from jekyll), but the [CONTRIBUTING.md]() does not go anywhere!

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

See [CONTRIBUTING.md]() for detailed guidance.

I always though these files would be better managed at an organisation level. But it would be good to standardise these between NHS orgs. Happy to take your lead on that. We are also thinking of using pkgdown to generate a docs site for each repo like you guys do, but will have to think how that will work with python.

Lextuga007 commented 2 years ago

My fault I think I typed contribution rather than contributing when looking for it! Yes, there's definitely a need for technical contributions like NHS Pycom and GDS style but also a high level guide incorporating expected behaviour. It would be fantastic to standardise between ourselves too! 💯

On the pkgdown with Python I'm not sure it's supported (there is a closed issue on the pkgdown GitHub) but could quarto be helpful?

craig-shenton commented 2 years ago

Yep, was thinking the same. I've been getting into Quarto myself recently (https://craig-shenton.github.io/quarto-nhs-theme/), and my team at NHSE is also interested in standard reporting using Quarto. I will share anything we develop as it will be done in R.