nhs-r-community / health-inequalities-notebook

Health Inequalities book
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Write a page giving an overview of Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) #13

Open ThomUK opened 8 months ago

ThomUK commented 8 months ago

Possible sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_deprivation_index https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/english-indices-of-deprivation-2019

Mapping: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/english-indices-of-deprivation-2019-mapping-resources

Live map: http://dclgapps.communities.gov.uk/imd/iod_index.html

francisbarton commented 7 months ago

I'm really interested in the IMD and what it does and doesn't do, so I'd be up for making a start on this page... when I get round to it :-)

Lextuga007 commented 7 months ago

Need to add Tom's original links

Lextuga007 commented 7 months ago

I've been keeping a lot of links in the https://resources.nhsrcommunity.com/ so it might be better for the links to be put in a chapter there and referenced in this book.

Lextuga007 commented 7 months ago

Move the other links https://github.com/nhs-r-community/health-inequalities-notebook/blob/e1f5ca7e39b911d107129926e781ef206b5e0a68/content/imd.qmd#L149 to open-analytics-resources and then link back.

Lextuga007 commented 6 months ago

Trying to get to the bottom of why LSOA codes can appear in datasets as either starting with an E or an S I found this https://www.warrington.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2019-09/english-indices-of-deprivation-2015-frequently-asked-questions.pdf which although it is on the Warrington.gov.uk site is a Dept for Communities and Local Government document.

This too https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5dfb3d7ce5274a3432700cf3/IoD2019_FAQ_v4.pdf

francisbarton commented 6 months ago

Hi Zoë, where are you finding S codes in the datasets? An S code will be in Scotland (and they don't have LSOAs, they have Data Zones).

Lextuga007 commented 6 months ago

That's what I'm starting to conclude! I think I'm looking at Scotland's data!

api_url <- "https://services1.arcgis.com/ESMARspQHYMw9BZ9/ArcGIS/rest/services/Online_ONS_Postcode_Directory_Live/FeatureServer/0/query"
query_params <- list(
  where = "LSOA11 LIKE '%'",
  outFields = "*",
  returnCountOnly = FALSE,
  returnDistinctValues = TRUE,
  f = "json"

# Make the API request
response <- httr::GET(api_url, query = query_params)

# Parse the JSON response
data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(response, "text"))

# Create as dataframe
df <- data.frame(data$features$attributes)

johnmackintosh commented 6 months ago

https://www.gov.scot/collections/scottish-index-of-multiple-deprivation-2020/ Some useful background info on the SIMD and links to data. I have done some maps/other visualisations on my blog in the past if you are interested

Lextuga007 commented 6 months ago

That's great! You've got a few charts that are really nice and I see you've tagged the blogs too! https://johnmackintosh.net/tag-deprivation/

Thanks 🙇🏻