Update the codebase to handle for multiple ways to serve a model in the Extraction Class.
Your approach
The run method part of the Extraction Class was given more arguments to handle for the different way a model could be serve, as well as additional parameters for given types of serving.
What to review
This pull/merge request meets the following requirements:
[x] code runs
[x] code fits within the extension of being able to run a specific pipeline.
[x] developments are secure (no data or notebook output)
[x] you have made proportionate checks that the code works correctly
Comments have been added below around the incomplete checks.
Update the codebase to handle for multiple ways to serve a model in the Extraction Class.
Your approach
The run method part of the Extraction Class was given more arguments to handle for the different way a model could be serve, as well as additional parameters for given types of serving.
What to review
This pull/merge request meets the following requirements:
Comments have been added below around the incomplete checks.