Review each of the components required JavaScript, make sure they are compiled in the gulp scripts and update the documentation on how to use them.
[x] Use IDs instead of class names in JavaScript.
[x] eslint
[x] Fix JavaScript comment format, and comment for each component
[x] Compile into 1 file using Gulp and minify that file.
[x] Document each components JavaScript and how to include
[x] Write coding standards for JavaScript
[x] Header JavaScript: Only try to run the jQuery code if jQuery is included to stop it blocking any other scripts below.
[ ] Test overall JavaScript
jQuery Discussion
Remove jQuery? The only component that uses jQuery is the auto complete. GDS have an accessible auto complete component (JavaScript only) that we could use.
@sabi98 is currently working on replace our search autocomplete with the GOVUK accessible auto complete. Thus we can delete the jQuery dependency from the project.
Review each of the components required JavaScript, make sure they are compiled in the gulp scripts and update the documentation on how to use them.
jQuery Discussion
Remove jQuery? The only component that uses jQuery is the auto complete. GDS have an accessible auto complete component (JavaScript only) that we could use.