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Numbers - review how we use them #52

Open sarawilcox opened 5 years ago

sarawilcox commented 5 years ago


Add a note that we do not use ordinals for dates. (Does not need Style Council approval - this is already our style. )

Already dealt with

There's been a suggestion from the live service content team that we review how we use numbers.

Here is what we say in the content style guide at the moment: https://service-manual.nhs.uk/content/formatting-and-punctuation

And one suggestion is that we follow the readability guidelines at:http://readabilityguidelines.wikidot.com/numbers

There was a proposal on Slack that we make this clearer. See https://nhsuk.slack.com/archives/C644HFZ9N/p1553528638190600

Added as a task to Jira: Jira SS-579

sarawilcox commented 5 years ago

Agreed to change our current wording in the style guide. A few issues to resolve:

sarawilcox commented 5 years ago

All issues resolved at 18 July Style Council meeting. Page updated to reflect changes.

sarawilcox commented 4 years ago

A number of content designers have reported problems with our latest guidance on using 1 and 2 where one would work better. https://service-manual.nhs.uk/content/numbers-measurements-dates-time We're collecting examples and will review at December Style Council meeting.

sarawilcox commented 4 years ago

A colleague thought the 1 here was a typo. Comment: it feels to me like the word "one" in this sentence is doing something different than being a number.


sarawilcox commented 4 years ago

Another example: "You can use a nebuliser in hospital or you may be given one to manage your condition at home." (Here 1 might suggest that you would only be given 1.)

JackMatthams commented 4 years ago


GDS say: Use ‘one’ unless you’re talking about a step, a point in a list or another situation where using the numeral makes more sense: ‘in point 1 of the design instructions’, for example. Write all other numbers in numerals (including 2 to 9) except where it’s part of a common expression like ‘one or two of them’ where numerals would look strange.

Where has the necessity to always use numerical "1" come from? GDS disagree, and it feels like "one" should be the norm. As seen previously, it is easier and clearer to state when to use the numeral "1" than it is to state what the exceptions are.

Use "one" unless the use is referring to a point, step, measurement (not including doseage exception), statistic or list. Use numericals for all other numbers unless it is part of a common expression like 'one or two of them' where numerals would look strange.

sarawilcox commented 4 years ago

I think we've covered this now in #162 and #197. @JackMatthams, that's right, isn't it? If so, we can push this to Done.

sarawilcox commented 3 years ago

We're keeping this open as the main Numbers ticket. The numbers page in the style guide is now up to date: https://service-manual.nhs.uk/content/numbers-measurements-dates-time

I'm closing down these superseded/done numbers tickets: