nhuanhoangduc / cu8-sequelize-oracle

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Working great, except when I kill express, does not exit #6

Open jonpopp opened 7 years ago

jonpopp commented 7 years ago

This is working great for me except when I kill express, the terminal hangs. This only happens after I run a query, otherwise I can kill express just fine.

Here's my request:

exports.getUser = function(req, res, next) { var params = req.params; Users.findOne( { where: {userId: params.id}, include: [ { all: true, nested: true } ]} ) .then(function (allNestedUsers) { console.log("done fetching nested user with joins "); res.json(allNestedUsers); }); };

jonpopp commented 7 years ago

here are my pool settings: pool: { max: 50, min: 0, timeout : 600, queueRequests: true, queueTimeout: 600000, increment : 1 }