nhubaotruong / league-of-legends-linux-garena-script

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lol.py taking too long to execute, here is what happens after i terminate the program. #4

Closed WasteOfO2 closed 3 years ago

WasteOfO2 commented 3 years ago

Hello, Thank you so much for this guide, u are doing god's work :)

I am opening this issue in reference to the step where we are supposed to run the lol.py

All steps to this point have been followed religiously, here lie the errors when i terminate the program

 python3 lol.py
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/vihag/league-of-legends-linux-garena-script-main/lol.py", line 82, in <module>
  File "/home/vihag/league-of-legends-linux-garena-script-main/lol.py", line 26, in main
    riot_process = findProcessIdByName(riot_service_process_name)
  File "/home/vihag/league-of-legends-linux-garena-script-main/lol.py", line 15, in findProcessIdByName
    pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs=["cmdline", "name", "pid"])
  File "/home/vihag/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/psutil/__init__.py", line 525, in as_dict
    ret = meth()
  File "/home/vihag/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/psutil/__init__.py", line 677, in cmdline
    return self._proc.cmdline()
  File "/home/vihag/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/psutil/_pslinux.py", line 1576, in wrapper
    return fun(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/vihag/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/psutil/_pslinux.py", line 1696, in cmdline
    with open_text("%s/%s/cmdline" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid)) as f:
  File "/home/vihag/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/psutil/_common.py", line 725, in open_text
    return open(fname, "rt", **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/codecs.py", line 309, in __init__
    def __init__(self, errors='strict'):

Are the long times taken to execute the script normal? If not, what are the possible steps supposed to be taken?

Thank you so much for reading,

nhubaotruong commented 3 years ago

Sorry if I didn't write it clear enough in the guide, the script keeps looking for the process RiotClientServices.exe, so you just need to get back to the Garena client, and press Play then it would continue

WasteOfO2 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your reply!

Sorry if I didn't write it clear enough in the guide, the script keeps looking for the process RiotClientServices.exe, so you just need to get back to the Garena client, and press Play then it would continue

So essentially I do this

1) Open Garena 2) Run the script 3) Then click play (Over here i suppose?)


Here is what i get when i do so

--rso-auth.platform= --region=SG --locale=en_SG --priority-launch-pid=8 --priority-launch-path=C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe --upgrade-install-path=C:\Riot Games\League of Legends --upgrade-product=league_of_legends --upgrade-patchline=live
lutris game id: 1
2021-08-06 22:10:35,775: No cores found

The game did run, but had terrible stability issues. And now it doesn't run at all

Willing to provide more info if needed

If possible, I am willing to contribute so that the instructions are more clear for English speakers :)

nhubaotruong commented 3 years ago
--rso-auth.platform= --region=SG --locale=en_SG --priority-launch-pid=8 --priority-launch-path=C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe --upgrade-install-path=C:\Riot Games\League of Legends --upgrade-product=league_of_legends --upgrade-patchline=live

This is not right, it was supposed to look something like this

--garena-plus-token=OPkEm/84WY3kUT3JtPk2iHEYOe+8zfXTiVZbeXQ2slXf6T5VtxyGWth7dBP8pgpYwGY7ZO2Gcdo0Gus5/6dL34Mx9zmGwMvpvGkFhyRmRbBEcQFKgoe2n/D9PlKSKLOIBTLVPP/5Z9/B9O2n4c3s+ePaRIRUlI9tIpVa2+7GLdDnFqtd9wKNQcNXHVIkx6TDzjvcZ4zrFILKd11iu3hyrynj3TnelCWoqiED+qumRXVYqQtcJgggQm4moIJiG9yCYilHeOaBHm6gARpUmNG5Skx1o5fUoB/ZAGW7YxrZ0p4ymw/XLKZueZfTKPOHVTLKlDwCOm88+Vh5ziGKbTZkkg== --region=VN -- --locale=en_US --landing-token=515ac9e4557227e774ade93d0981377b9dd6bd9c812cddbdcf5940b695c2b7b2 --servers.chat.chat_host=vn1.chat.si.riotgames.com --servers.lcds.lcds_host=prodvn1.lol.garenanow.com --servers.lcds.login_queue_url=https://lqvn1.lol.garenanow.com/login-queue/rest/queues/lol --region=VN --parent-client=GarenaPC

Have you change the Executable in League of legends to LeagueClient.exe from the Garena-LOL that you downloaded using the Garena client ? image

WasteOfO2 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the reply

Yes, I have changed the Lutris LOL Executable.

Here is what i did 1) Right Click on Lutris LOL 2) Configure 3)Game Options 4) Executable> Browse 5) Search for the Garena LOL Executable

Here is a before and after change

Default Directory when Lutris LOL is installed /home/vihag/Games/league-of-legends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends/LeagueClient.exe

Here is what the Directory looks like when I changed the Executable of Lutris LOL -> Garena LOL (i essentially replaced the default location of Riot LOL to Garena LOL)


After doing this, I somehow get both versions launched simultaneously(see image below)

I am being prompted to Login for some reason when the Ux is clearly running in the bg as seen in image.

FYI, I have BOTH Lutris LOL and Garena LOL installed, I have only changed the default path of executable of the Lutris LOL to that of Garena LOL


nhubaotruong commented 3 years ago

Try close all the game and Garena and run wineserver -k in terminal to kill all wine processes.

Then check System Monitor application of your DE and check if any League and Riot related process is running, kill all of them

Then try again.

And you don't need to be so formal, casual chat is ok with me :)

WasteOfO2 commented 3 years ago

Heh, I tend to be formal as it is often times the best way to show someone respect for their work, thank you for the reassurance :)

So here are the steps to what I should do. 1) Launch Garena Client 2) Apply lol.py patch 3) Then click Play

I only get results after I do this.

Is it necessary to run the script every time I wish to play Garena LOL?

nhubaotruong commented 3 years ago

Yes you will have to run the script every time you want to play LOL, the Garena token only lasted for about 5 minutes

WasteOfO2 commented 3 years ago

I see, that's a bit inconvenient, but its alr, better than playing on 200+ Ping in EUW servers.

I can see why this tutorial can be a bit confusing. Maybe a decent idea to re-write the README.md or atleast rectify a few things I found a bit confusing

I would like to contribute to the README.md to make sure no one has the same issues as I did, along with perhaps a FAQ page.

But I need to properly learn how to use GitHub for that :P

Anyways, imma see what I can do. Good luck and have a great day!

nhubaotruong commented 3 years ago

If there's no more issue can you please close this github issue 😄

Thanks and happy gaming !

WasteOfO2 commented 3 years ago

Thank you so sooo muchhhhh