Open torrance opened 6 years ago
I have a catalogue/sky model of 2000 sources and a list of sources identified by Aegean which has ~4500 sources.
Running fits_warp in cross matching mode results in a index out of bounds error deep inside Astropy, but the last line inside fits_warp is
It seems match_to_catalog_sky() expects the Aegean list to be shorter than the sky model, even though this doesn't appear to be documented anywhere.
seems to occur when the center object is created with a reference ra/dec that is either nan or inf. Will investigate further.
I have a catalogue/sky model of 2000 sources and a list of sources identified by Aegean which has ~4500 sources.
Running fits_warp in cross matching mode results in a index out of bounds error deep inside Astropy, but the last line inside fits_warp is
It seems
expects the Aegean list to be shorter than the sky model, even though this doesn't appear to be documented anywhere.