ni-c / heimcontrol.js

Home-Automation with node.js and Raspberry PI
MIT License
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Added docs for the LED change :) #19

Closed ConnorRoberts closed 10 years ago

ConnorRoberts commented 10 years ago

Added to docs to support changes in pull #18 :)

ni-c commented 10 years ago

Great work enhancing the plugin! Thank you!

But the documentation files that are not in the src/ folder are automatically generated using wintersmith ( To edit the documentation you have to change the jade files in the src/templates folder:

To install wintersmith run (maybe with sudo):

npm install wintersmith -g

After you have applied your changes in the jade files cd in the src\ folder and run

wintersmith build

to regenerate the documentation.

ConnorRoberts commented 10 years ago

Ah, didn't even notice ;) Just thought the files had been minified! Will push a new commit in a minute :)

rupertbuesst commented 10 years ago

Is there a tutorial on getting the arduino working with the raspberry pi, My arduino is working, but no commands are going through it from heimcontrol on my pi?

ConnorRoberts commented 10 years ago

Hmmm, I didn't do anything special, just uploaded du.ino code on my laptop then plug into the Pi.

Is there anything else connected to the USB ports? If you put a LED into the 5V and the ground directly, does it light?

If that fails, edit the code in plugins/arduino/index.js to where it says something like

new duino.board()

To say

new duino.board({debug: true})

And either post a picture / text of the output (when running node heimcontrol.js) here :)

ConnorRoberts commented 10 years ago

One more thing to try, run the command

ls /dev | grep usb

And post the output, could be the problem shown in this post:

rupertbuesst commented 10 years ago

Thanks Connor, here is a screenshot.

Still not working :(

Also, sorry for the really nooby question, but how do I actually stop heimcontrol from running? I know how to start it: cd heimcontrol.js (opens directory) node heimcontrol.js (starts it)

but not how to stop it.

screen shot 2013-10-17 at 4 49 29 pm

I also had a brainwave about the future of this project. It would be awesome to have some kind of voice control built into the web interface. Where you could say, "Turn on the lights" and they would turn on. It could make use of the chrome speech to text API. What do you think?

bkiss commented 10 years ago

rupertbuesst : you can stop the running process by pressing CTRL+C

ConnorRoberts commented 10 years ago

Could you run

ls /dev | grep usb

and post the output :)

As for the speech idea, it would be nice to have (and have secretly wanted this since I got my Pi ;)) but having a Pi constantly "listening" might be intensive for the hardware, as well as running a webserver and database software.

BUT, have just spotted which may be worth a look at (assuming it will run alongside, linking it to the heimcontrol API might be possible :))

ConnorRoberts commented 10 years ago

Thanks for merging :) Totally forgot I had actually pushed the jade version, otherwise I'd have commented!