ni / niflexlogger-automation-python

The niflexlogger-automation package contains an API (Application Programming Interface) and examples for using Python to automate NI FlexLogger. The automation API supports modifying the configuration of existing FlexLogger projects and controlling the execution of FlexLogger test sessions. The package is implemented in Python. NI created and supports this package.
MIT License
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Nburke update readme #21

Closed nburke-ni closed 2 years ago

nburke-ni commented 2 years ago

TODO: Check the above box with an 'x' indicating you've read and followed

What does this Pull Request accomplish?

Update the readme file to add link to Getting Started page

Why should this Pull Request be merged?

This is a helpful link for getting started with FlexLogger, which also has links to other helpful content.

What testing has been done?

Ran automated testing, but this is just a readme update. Confirmed the rich text preview looks good.

Detail what testing has been done to ensure this submission meets requirements.

gregstoll commented 2 years ago

(just FYI for the future, since we don't have code owners set up in this repo I think you need to explicitly request a review from someone)