niXman / mingw-builds

Scripts for building the 32 and 64-bit MinGW-W64 compilers for Windows
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Build with posix threads depends on libwinpthread-1.dll #674

Closed petkapou closed 3 days ago

petkapou commented 5 months ago

Hi, we found out that binaries built with POSIX threads now depend on libwinpthread-1.dll. It is the only library not in windows/system32. The builds done earlier did not have this dependency.

To see a package with that dependency check out packages from tag: (x86_64-13.2.0-release-posix-seh-msvcrt-rt_v11-rev0.7z)

$ ldd ./bin/cpp.exe
        ntdll.dll => /c/Windows/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll (0x7ff81a210000)
        KERNEL32.DLL => /c/Windows/System32/KERNEL32.DLL (0x7ff819550000)
        KERNELBASE.dll => /c/Windows/System32/KERNELBASE.dll (0x7ff817860000)
        apphelp.dll => /c/Windows/SYSTEM32/apphelp.dll (0x7ff814310000)
        msvcrt.dll => /c/Windows/System32/msvcrt.dll (0x7ff8187f0000)
        libwinpthread-1.dll => /c/Studio/mingw64/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll (0x7ffff0ad0000)

We found some parts of code related to this, e.g. in scripts/ previously there was a condition for a build of a shared gcc. Now there is no such a condition and libwinpthreads is built differently.

# winpthreads
[[ $BUILD_SHARED_GCC == yes ]] && {
  cp -fv $RUNTIME_DIR/$BUILD_ARCHITECTURE-winpthreads-$RUNTIME_VERSION/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll $PREFIX/bin/ || { echo "13"; return 1; }
  cp -fv $RUNTIME_DIR/$BUILD_ARCHITECTURE-winpthreads-$RUNTIME_VERSION/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll $PREFIX/$TARGET/lib/ || { echo "14"; return 1; }
  cp -fv $RUNTIME_DIR/$BUILD_ARCHITECTURE-winpthreads-$RUNTIME_VERSION/lib/libwinpthread.dll.a $PREFIX/$TARGET/lib/ || { echo "15"; return 1; }
  cp -fv $RUNTIME_DIR/$BUILD_ARCHITECTURE-winpthreads-$RUNTIME_VERSION/lib/libpthread.dll.a $PREFIX/$TARGET/lib/ || { echo "16"; return 1; }
cp -fv $RUNTIME_DIR/$BUILD_ARCHITECTURE-winpthreads-$RUNTIME_VERSION/lib/libwinpthread.a $PREFIX/$TARGET/lib/ || { echo "17"; return 1; }
cp -fv $RUNTIME_DIR/$BUILD_ARCHITECTURE-winpthreads-$RUNTIME_VERSION/lib/libpthread.a $PREFIX/$TARGET/lib/ || { echo "18"; return 1; }
cp -fv $RUNTIME_DIR/$BUILD_ARCHITECTURE-winpthreads-$RUNTIME_VERSION/include/*.h $PREFIX/$TARGET/include/ || { echo "19"; return 1; }

As a result all binaries built with this GCC also depend on libwinpthread-1.dll.

I know about the change of threads in GCC, but I am not sure if or how it affected the POSIX threads.

Related issue:

Thank you.

starg2 commented 4 months ago

I'd say this is by design.

If you don't want binaries built with gcc to depend on libwinpthread-1.dll, link everything statically or use win32 thread model.

wassupxP commented 4 months ago

Do you have any example of a build where everything is linked statically? I was not able to make it work. Built tooling was failing during runtime on missing dll.

It required some patches in the scripts though so I might have made some mistake there. (was trying to build x86_64-13.2.0-static-release-posix-seh-msvcrt-rt_v11-rev0 configuration)

starg2 commented 4 months ago

Pass -static to the linker, and you should get a self-contained executable.

wassupxP commented 4 months ago

It didn't build. Here is an example of the job.

starg2 commented 4 months ago

Wait, are you trying to link everything statically into gcc itself? That will be hard with little gain. Why do you want that?

petkapou commented 4 months ago

When the binaries are not running in an msys shell which would add the dll to PATH, the dll needs to be copied everywhere,

My use case is that I have another bin folder outside of the built mingw and I generate multiple binaries on multiple locations in workspace during runtime. So then there is quite a lot of copies of the dll.

starg2 commented 4 months ago

Sounds like you two have different goals.

Linking everything statically into your programs

If this is what you want, you can use the official binaries and don't have to build a toolchain yourself. Pass -static option to the linker when you link your programs, and you will get self-contained binaries. (Some people suggest -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ but it doesn't affect libwinpthread-1.dll.)

You shouldn't build DLLs this way, or you will end up with multiple instances of the same runtime components in a single process, which will bite you later.

Linking everything statically into gcc itself

If this is what you want, you need to build a toolchain yourself. Pass whatever option you want and also --static-gcc to the build script. This should create self-contained gcc.exe, g++.exe etc.

Toolchains built this way will still create binaries linking to libwinpthread-1.dll and so on by default.

Please note that the above two are orthogonal. You can even choose both.

SainoNamkho commented 4 months ago

Linking everything statically into your programs

I guess the op needs just link only libwinpthread-1.dll statically only, keeping others as-is?

mati865 commented 4 months ago

Linking shared libstdc++ with static winpthreads is probably not going to work. In that case they both should be linked statically.